中文摘要 |
超市購置之半調理食品與不同處理方法之自製半調理食品儲存於6-9°C,分0,2,4天採樣,總生菌數隨儲存期間增加而增加。大腸桿菌群存在於所有的半調理食品,沙門氏菌及金黃色葡萄球菌主要存在於魚類、肉類及海產類。超市購置之半調理食品與不同前處理自製半調理食品金黃色葡萄球菌腸毒素(enterotoxin)型不同,但皆以常見之腸毒素A,B 型為主。不同處理方法(先洗後切或先切後洗)自製半調理食品儲存期間微生物之變化很類似,但以營養觀點仍以先洗後切法為適當。
Ready-to-use packaged food sampled from supermarkets was stored at 6-9°C for 0 (fresh), 2 or 4 days. Meat , sea food, fish and vegetables purchased from traditional markets were prepared for use packaged food and well wrapped with PS/PVC film, under the same storage conditions as above. The total aerobic plate counts of all samples increased during storage for 4 days. Coliforms were detected in all samples whereas Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus were detected in some foods such as fish, meat and sea food. Staphylococcal enterotoxin types found in ready-to-use packaged food from the supermarket and self-prepared foods are different, but types A, B were common types. The microbial changes were similar in different preparation methods(one is “cut then wash”, the other is “wash then cut”)." |
英文摘要 |
Ready-to-use packaged food sampled from supermarkets was stored at 6-9°C for 0 (fresh), 2 or 4 days. Meat , sea food, fish and vegetables purchased from traditional markets were prepared for use packaged food and well wrapped with PS/PVC film, under the same storage conditions as above. The total aerobic plate counts of all samples increased during storage for 4 days. Coliforms were detected in all samples whereas Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus were detected in some foods such as fish, meat and sea food. Staphylococcal enterotoxin types found in ready-to-use packaged food from the supermarket and self-prepared foods are different, but types A, B were common types. The microbial changes were similar in different preparation methods(one is “cut then wash”, the other is “wash then cut”). |