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Landscape of Taiwan from Local Gazetteers Issued in Early Qing Dynasty
作者 盧建成陳國川
Landscape is constructed by cultural discourse. Therefore, it can reflect the idealized vision of a society in a specific time. Taiwan was forced to join the Qing Dynasty in 1683, and remains to be part of the Qing Empire for over 200 years. In this research, we try to use the Eight Scenes of Taiwan of many local gazetteers to decipher the meaning behind these Eight Scenes. The study found that the selecting process of the Eight Scenes in the gazetteers had its own logical pattern. First, the locations of these Eight Scenes were mostly distributed at the edge of each administration, which can be used as a tool for territorial declaration. Secondly, a lot of literary works were created and related with these scenes, which can take the advantage to incorporate this strange and newly acquired island-Taiwan into the Han cultural system, and further strengthened the social identity of Taiwan. Together, we can easily identify the attitude of Taiwanese society over the island in early Qing Dynasty. From an exotic wonderland in the empire in the first place, then gradually recognized that Taiwan was truly part of the empire, and finally the Taiwanese society had accumulated enough confidence to demonstrate itself to the world.
起訖頁 55-74
關鍵詞 風景清代方志八景認同LandscapeQing Dynastylocal gazetteereight scenesidentity
刊名 環境與世界  
期數 201406 (28、29期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 極端氣候影響下潛在災害區居民環境識覺、調適行為之研究--以八八水災後屏東縣林邊鄉與佳冬鄉為例
該期刊-下一篇 清末以來台北盆地歷史地名的空間認知相對方位改變




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