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Evaluating Management Effectiveness of Two Landscape Protected Areas in Southern Taiwan
作者 林明源何立德
本研究應用國際上最普遍的保護區經營管理效能評估方法--世界自然基金會(World Wild life Fund,簡稱WWF)所設計的「保護區經營管理快速評估與設定優先法」(Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Area Management Methodology,簡稱RAPPAM Methodology),並結合訪談、參與觀察、焦點團體與文獻回顧等質性研究方法,對臺灣南部兩處地景保護區(甲仙四德化石自然保護區、六龜十八羅漢山自然保護區)進行經營管理效能評估,結果可供主管機關規劃未來地景保護區的工作方向,也可以成為下一次的評估時的參考基準。研究結果顯示甲仙四德化石自然保護區主要面臨的威脅與壓力包括:經營管理不佳、保護區設計不當、資源不足、土石崩塌、易達性高而不易管理、缺乏化石採集準則、監測資料不足及社區參與不足等問題,而六龜十八羅漢山自然保護區則面臨:經營管理不佳、保護區設計不當、與社區期待不符、崩塌及落石、易達性高而不易管理、資源不足、承租地未依規定使用、監測資料不足等問題。RAPPAM評估結果顯示,在林務局屏東林區管理處的管理下,甲仙四德化石自然保護區及六龜十八羅漢山自然保護區在「經營管理目標」、「溝通與資訊」、「合法的保護措施」及「基礎設施」項目得分呈現優勢,但兩處保護區在「員工」、「財務」、「經營管理計畫」項目得分呈現弱勢。保護區權益相關人在參與式工作坊中,分別針對這兩處保護區所面臨問題進行討論與建議,經本研究團隊彙整成十項重要工作項目,供主管單位研擬保護區下階段經營管理計畫書參考。
This study adopted the Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Area Management (RAPPAM) Methodology of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and accompanied participatory workshop, literature review, participant observation and interview to evaluate the management effectiveness of two landscape protected areas in the southern Taiwan, which are Jiahsian Sihde Fossil Forest Reserve and Shihbaluohanshan Forest Reserve. Evaluation results not only can be a reference for the reserve management authority when planning future management plan, but also be the baseline information for the next management effectiveness evaluation. The results showed that the Jiahsian Sihde Fossil Forest Reserve encountered pressures and threats of inappropriate management, improper site design, lacking human resources and financial supports, mass movements, high accessibility, lacking fossil collection rules, weak monitoring and less community involvement. The Shihbaluohanshan Forest Reserve meanwhile encountered pressures and threats of inappropriate management, improper site design, inconsistent with community anticipation, mass movements, high accessibility, lacking human resources and financial supports, misusing rented land, and weak monitoring. The RAPPAM analysis results identify the management strengths of the reserves, including clear management objectives, good communication and information, well legal security, and good infrastructure. The weaknesses include lacks of staff input and training, financial input and management, and management planning. In order to deal with the pressures, threats and weaknesses of management, ten important future management directions and actions of the reserves proposed by the stakeholders of the reserves are listed in the article.
起訖頁 1-24
關鍵詞 地景保護區經營管理效能評估保護區經營管理快速評估與優先設定法landscape protected areasmanagement effectiveness evaluationRapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Area Management (RAPPAM)
刊名 環境與世界  
期數 201406 (28、29期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學地理學系
該期刊-下一篇 極端氣候影響下潛在災害區居民環境識覺、調適行為之研究--以八八水災後屏東縣林邊鄉與佳冬鄉為例




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