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Elegance and Ordinariness Inclusive–Image Theme and Characteristics in Historical Poems of Wu Zixu
作者 康凱淋
This article adopts the historical poetry of Wu Zixu as textual research model, and concludes ''Loyal Courtier'' and ''God of Tide'' are the primary images poets have endowed upon Wu Zixu. ''Loyal Courtier'' and ''God of Tide'' not only represent ''elegance'' and ''ordinariness,'' but also complement and blend each other together, and form a relationship of symbiosis, representing a three-dimensional and well-rounded image and posture, as distinctive from Hundred Schools of Thought, Historical Biography, novels or opera whose construction is oriented solely to morality. Though different from miscellaneous history, novel, opera and history comment in genre, nevertheless it belongs to the poetic system of Wu Zixu's writings. This article also tries to compare his poetry with other textual styles, and gets the grasp of epic poems that excel in creating an atmosphere of memorial temple in order to highlight the tragedies in life, as opposed to the dispute of opening the grave, taking out the corpse and having it publicly flogged, and to the feature of criticizing Wu Zixu's ignorance of drawing back. Readers thus will benefit from understanding more of the development and significance of Wu Zixu's historical poems in the historical context.
起訖頁 111-152
關鍵詞 伍子胥詠史忠孝復仇人物形象Wu Zixuhistorical poemsloyalty & filial pietyretaliateimage of characters
刊名 高雄師大學報  
期數 201802 (27期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論宋代「鬥茶」茶俗——以宋代茶書為主的探討
該期刊-下一篇 胡一桂《周易啟蒙翼傳.外篇》文獻考述──以「卜筮類」、「丹道類」為探討對象




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