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Explore the Relations between Tung-Po’s Zen Poetry and The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti
作者 林文欽
Su Tung-Po grew up in Meishan, Sichuan province. The growing environment in his early teens not only brought the Buddhism into his daily life but was doomed to form a lifelong and indissoluble bond between the Buddhism and Su. Su lived in an era of dhyana pleasing. Therefore, besides studying Confucianism, he also read Buddhism classics extensively to absorb the quintessence in it. The belief of Buddhism is accessible both in the content and on the skill of this kind of Zen Poetry. He adds Buddhism philosophy to his thinking, explaining Buddhism philosophy by poetry further. By making a comprehensive survey of the Buddhist sutra using in Zen Poetry, we can find that Su Tung-Po knows The Avatamsaka Sutra, The Lankavatara Sutra(The Flower Garland Sutra), The Lotus Sutra, The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti, The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra(The Diamond Sutra) intimately. Hence, the purpose of this essay is to go into the idea of The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti cited in Su Tung-Po’s Zen Poetry. Su Tung-Po uses a lot of allusions, phrases and philosophy of the Buddhist sutra. Below are the most distinctive features. The only way to transcendence is from the meditative Zen silence. Impermanence and essential emptiness make the suffering in life unreal. No longer pick up old habits just as you’ll never be stained with falling petals while walking through flowers. Lead a life of perfect harmony and interbeing. Handing down the light of Buddhism and prolonging the Buddha’s wisdom benefit all beings. Transforming Zen into poetry is to illustrate more profound meanings. Tung-Po’s Zen Poetry suggests that he puts emphasis on meditation and practice of The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti. Su internalizes the understanding in Buddhism, makes it his broad-minded philosophy, and uses it to be the key of transcending the ups and downs in life.
起訖頁 33-63
關鍵詞 蘇軾蘇東坡禪意詩維摩詰經Su ShiSu Tung-PoZen poetryThe Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti
刊名 國文學報  
期數 201201 (15期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系
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該期刊-下一篇 中國哲學「形上」義析論




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