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An Analysis of Learner's Perspective on Self-assessment
作者 工藤節子
本稿以製作有助於形成性評估之評估基準為目標,調查學習日語之大學生以如何之觀點及話語自我評估角色扮演的達成度。在2012年9月至2013年1月之6次的角色扮演活動中,讓24名學生以A、B、C、D級別自我評估自身之達成度、並說明其根據;再依其根據分為10項進行分析。分項項目中有例如受TA誇讚之TA的反應、不瞭解TA說話的內容或雖然瞭解但不會回答等與對方互動有關的項目,此等向來未被觀察到之評估的觀點值得注意。在級別部分有以下的傾向,在A的情形為TA之反應、流暢程度、提及準備之正面評估的話語;在B的情形為心理因素、提及流暢程度之正面及負面的評估、提及言語之結構的問題;在C及D的情形,除心理上因素及提及流暢程度的話語外,感到與對方在互動上之問題的評估的話語增多、構造上的問題亦變多。今後,期將由本分析所得之評估項目,活用至學生之自我評估及他人評估時之評估基準表,同時,持續使學生進行自我評估並加以 分析,以製作有助改善學生達成度之評估基準。
In order to develop the assessment criterion to lead to the formative evaluation, I tried to explore the viewpoints of self-assessment on the role play of the university students learning Japanese. The role play consisted of 6 situations were taken place by 24 students in Sept. 2012 to Jan. 2013. First I classified the student's self-assessment descriptions to ten items, then analyzed the relations of the levels and its basis. This analysis revealed there is the interactional perspective such as referring to TA (Teaching Assistant)'s compliment、reaction of TA、and responding to TA in students assessment criterion which is worth to note because there are not seen in conventional criterion. The analysis by level showed a tendency there are some items such as TA's reaction, fluency and referring to performance preparation in A level, items such as psychological factor, fluency and linguistic problem in B level, items such as psychological factor, fluency, interactional problem and linguistic problem in C and D level. The viewpoints obtained in this analysis should be used in developing the assessment criterion for self-assessment and evaluation by others. Further analysis of the learner's viewpoints of self-assessment on performance is required to develop the assessment criterion to contribute to effective formative evaluation.
起訖頁 82-100
關鍵詞 12年義務教育高級職業學校日語教師形象因素分析師資培育12-year compulsory educationvocational high schoolthe image of a Japanese language teachersfactor analysisteacher education
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201503 (44期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 關於使用階段觀的日語重音指導
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣學習者所尋求之理想的日語教師形象之研究--以高職日語學習者為對象




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