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焦點助詞的縱向習得研究--以mo, wa, dake, shika, sae 為研究核心
A Longitudinal Case Study on Focus Particles ─ Focusing on mo, wa, dake, shika, sae ─
作者 翟翠翎
本論文是以沼田(2009)學說為基礎,從「焦點助詞」中抽取 mo, wa,dake, shika, sae 等5 個助詞來研究台灣的日語學習者運用焦點助詞的情形。本研究針對LARP at SCU 語料庫中1 位學生的作文進行縱向的習得研究分析;分析的內容除了包括焦點助詞的出現順序、使用情形、錯誤使用外,並以中日文句構對比分析的方式來探究誤用的原因。本研究獲致以下結論:1. 受試者在1 年級時學習的mo, wa, dake, shika 等詞出現在作文中,而2 年級時才學的sae 則不曾出現在作文中。mo, wa, dake, shika 等詞出現的順序是「對比的wa」→「累計的mo」→「限定的dake」→「限定的shika」→「意外的mo」。2. 含有mo 的句型使用頻率最高,誤用也都出現在含有mo 的句型裡。3. 誤用可以歸類成「焦點助詞作用範域的誤認」與「語意格助詞的不當省略」兩種。誤用的原因應該是受到中文裡「也」的句法結構的影響。"
The present paper, based on Numata (2009) and focusing on “wa, mo, date, shika, sae,”aims to investigate the circumstances surrounding the learning of focus particles by Japaneselearners in Taiwan. The research was conducted on the basis of the LARP at SCU databaseand examined one student’s compositions over a period of three and a half years, in anattempt to clarify the order of appearance, the way of use and illegitimate uses of these focusparticles. Moreover, by comparing and contrasting Japanese and Chinese, we tried to find thecauses of the misuses of focus particles.The research has led to the following findings:1. Focus particles wa, mo, dake, shika, taught in the first year, were used incompositions, while focus particle sae, taught in the second year, never appeared incompositions during the entire period of seven semesters. The order of theirappearance shows “wa representing contrast” → “mo representing accumulation"→ “dake representing limitation"→ “shika representing limitation,” → “morepresenting surprise.”2. mo is most frequently used, and misuses appear solely in phrases containing mo.3. The illegitimate use of these focus particles can be divided into 2 types: “mistake ofthe scope of the focus particles” and “inaccurate deletion of semantic cases.” Andthe reasons for the misuse of mo may be due to the influence of yie in Chinese.
起訖頁 50-69
關鍵詞 LARP at SCU回饋紮根理論感想文“LARP at SCU”feedback“Grounded Theory”sentiment
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201007 (35期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「日本語人」描寫中國的理由-- 以Levy Hideo 的《假的水》為中心
該期刊-下一篇 「日本語人」描寫中國的理由-- 以Levy Hideo 的《假的水》為中心




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