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A Study on Yang Qiyuan’s Concept of Three Teachings
作者 葉守桓
This article studies the concept of three teachings by Yang Qiyuan, aConfucian scholar in the Ming Dynasty. The study consists of four sections asfollows: 'historical survey,' 'integration of thoughts,' 'theoretical check,' and'significance and limitations'. 'Historical survey' investigates Yang’sinvolvement with the intellectual events concerning the Confucian engagement ofBuddhism and Taoism and the dispute on Buddhism. 'Integration of thoughts'enquires into the origin and reconciliation of the three teachings as well as theintegration of Confucianism and Buddhism. 'Theoretical check' provides atheoretical review of Yang’s arguments. 'Significance and limitations' sums upYang’s theories of three teachings and evaluates their shortcomings. Yang’saffirmation and integration of three teachings promote dialogue between thesethree religions; they also reverse the Confucian bias against and attacks onBuddhism and foster serious evaluations of possible Buddhist contributions toConfucianism. Yang’s thoughts are academically significant in that they deepenpost-Yangming Thought studies and witness the historical development in theharmonization of the three teachings in the late Ming Dynasty. Yang’s limitationslie in his inability to provide theoretical contrasts among the three teachings; hisstudies make 'homogeneous observations on the practices of cultivation,' but lack'heterogeneous analysis of ontology' and 'holistic contrast.'
起訖頁 53-93
關鍵詞 楊起元三教觀三教之調和儒釋會通陽明後學Yang Qi-Yuanthree teachingsreconciliation of the three teachingsintegration of Confucianism and Buddhismpost-Yangming thought
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201706 (33期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 周法高先生《中國古代語法》中的《詩經》語料運用
該期刊-下一篇 花園莊東地甲骨賓語移位句語用研究--以焦點為中心的考察




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