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An Investigation in Methodology of Strength Inspection and Verification for Finite Element Analysis of Special Shape Pressure Vessels
作者 沈育霖許家銘胡聖彥康淵
目前壓力容器製作及設計,如遇CNS 9788國家標準無相關規定或傳統力學無法計算者,型式合格廠商及代行檢查機構即面臨無法審查,確認是否有符合壓力容器最高使用壓力之強度,依目前CNS 9788第11.8節有關檢定水壓試驗之規定:在特殊形狀之壓力容器或壓力容器之一部分中,以計算確認其強度為困難者,得以CNS 9801第3節(檢定水壓試驗)及CNS 9799附錄3(實驗性應力解析)之規定,決定該壓力容器或壓力容器之部分之最高容許使用壓力。但是先進國家例如美國、歐盟、日本以及中國大陸,皆已在國家標準中納入了有限元素分析壓力容器的規定,因此,本文之研究以水壓試驗之實驗及應力解析方法驗證有限元素分析方法,建立特殊形狀壓力容器的強度檢核模式,本文作為以上研究的精簡報告,本文的研究結果提供給檢查及代行檢查機構作為參考規範,適用在檢查業務。由於檢查模式之項目及步驟,同時為型式合格廠商作為強度設計之應力解析項目及步驟,因此型式合格廠商提出有限元素應力解析之完整項目及其步驟包含輸入及輸出數據給檢查及代行檢查機構,依同樣之項目及步驟檢查其正確性及數據之完整性與正確性。
For manufacturing and design of pressure vessel, qualified factory and inspection institution bothcannot confirm the strength under the maximum usage pressure due to lack of rule and regulation innational standard (such as CNS 9788), or method in traditional mechanical theory. Depending on theconcerning hydrostatic test of CNS 9788 section 11.8: In a portion of a special shape pressure vesselor a pressure vessel, if it is difficult to calculate the strength, it is able to use the section 3 (examiningwater pressure text) of CNS 9801, and appendix 3 (experimental stress analysis) of CNS 9799 todetermine the pressure vessel or part of pressure vessel the maximum allowable use of pressure. Butadvanced countries such as the United States, the European Union, Japan and China, finite elementanalysis of pressure vessel have been included in the national standard limited; therefore, the studyresults of this article can provide the referred norms that pressure test and finite element method (FEM)to establish evaluation and detection methodology of the pressure vessels in special shape for qualifiedvendors and inspection institution. As a result of the inspection model of the project and steps, whilethe type of qualified manufacturers as the strength of the stress analysis of the project and the steps,so the type of qualified manufacturers of finite element stress analysis of the complete project and itssteps include input and output data to the inspection and inspection agencies, According to the sameitems and steps to check its correctness , and check integrity and correctness of the data.
起訖頁 229-243
關鍵詞 特殊形狀壓力容器檢定水壓試驗Special ShapesPressure VesselsExamining Water Pressure Text
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201712 (25:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-下一篇 職業性溴丙烷暴露及手套防護效能評估研究




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