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Discussion on TCM Syndrome Differentiation of Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease
作者 黃勝崴顏家孜林立偉吳龍源
Aim: This study was mainly discussed the dialectical classification andprescriptions of gastroesophageal reflux disease under the view of traditionalChinese medicines.Method: This study was collected the literatures related to gastroesophageal refluxdisease in the Chinese Medical Journal Network and the fivteen-year database toanalysis the symptoms, pathogenesis, dialectical type, prescriptionmethods.Results: From the literature study found that TCM syndrome frequency ofgastroesophageal reflux disease from high to low followed by liver and stomachheat syndrome type, Liver-stomach disharmony type, deficiency and qi stagnationsyndrome type, phlegm obstruction due to qi stagnation type, and static bloodblocking collaterals syndrome type. The liver and stomach heat syndrome type isthe major type in GERD.Conclusion: According to the relevant literatures of Chinese medical journals,the dialectical classification and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux diseasecan be summarized as (1) liver and stomach heat Stagnation type: dispersingstagnated liver and purging heat , regulating stomach for lowering adverse qi(Chaihu Shugan scattered left gold pills) (2) disharmony between liver andstomach type: dispersing stagnated liver for promoting qi, regulating stomach forlowering adverse qi (Chaihu Shugan San, (3) accumulation of phlegm-wetnessin the body type: removing dampness for regulating stomach, and regulatingstomach for lowering adverse qi (Ling-Guey-Jwu-Gan-Tang), clearing away heatand eliminating dampeness, regulating stomach for lowering adverse qi (Zhi Zi-Hou-Pu-Tang) (4) deficient cold of spleen and stomach type: warm in thestomach for promoting qi, regulating stomach for lowering adverse qi (Huangqibuilt in the soup), (5) qi deficiency and blood stasis type: supplementing qi andnourishing yin, removing blood stasis and resolving static blood (Liu JunziTang and Danshen, Sichuan seven, turmeric). The types of diagnosis and thecorresponding prescription could be the prescription reference for clinicians. Thepharmacological mechanisms of the prescriptions are still looking forward tofurther study.
起訖頁 123-138
關鍵詞 胃食道逆流胃氣上逆吐酸gastroesophageal refluxanticoction against the stomachspit acid
刊名 中醫藥研究論叢  
期數 201803 (21:1期)
出版單位 臺北市中醫師公會
該期刊-上一篇 經絡圖與經穴圖之研究——以膀胱經為例
該期刊-下一篇 WHO針灸經穴定位國際標準化之反思




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