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Study on Development of Geographic InformationSystem Database of Hazardous Materials in aScience Park
作者 朱振群賈台寶劉立文劉時穎龍采彣
由於化學品涉及各個經濟領域,且可能對人類健康與環境造成影響,使化學品管理引起各界的重視。國際機構如聯合國環境發展會議(The United Nations Conference on Environmentand Development, UNCED)、經濟合作發展組織(Organization for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment, OECD)、美國環境保護署(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USEPA)及歐盟(European Union, EU)等,都已發展出一套化學品管理制度以掌握危害資訊;國內目前有環保署、勞動部及消防署等分別針對管轄範圍內的化學品進行列管,但是各單位所列管危害物質不盡相同,造成研擬危害預防對策的資訊不完整。因此,本研究目的為建立科學園區危害物質資訊管理示範系統,提供事業單位自主申報危害物平台,同時俾利檢查機構掌握危害物質資訊流布、擬定防災對策及進行風險管理。本研究參考國內外危害物質管理機制,並與中部科學園區合作,透過專家會議及事業單位座談會議,研擬出一套區域性危害物質地理圖資資料庫管理系統。研究結果完成中部科學園區危害物質地理圖資與資料自主申報平台,共50家事業單位登錄化學品資料並進行專家現場查核220場次,彙計總共申報超過7,800筆資料,統計超過2,000種以上的危害物質,其中有機溶劑使用量最多的為甲苯、特定化學品使用最多的為四甲基銨、環保署列管毒化物中使用最多的為第四類毒化物丙烯酸丁酯。本研究建置之系統化危害物質地理圖資資料庫,對政府管理單位具有整合危害物質資源、應變資源等功能;對事業單位有研訂化學品分級管理、規劃危害控制措施及緊急應變等功能,延伸應用亦相當廣泛。本系統將推廣至其他區域性組織或事業單位應用。
Since the chemicals involved in various economic sectors, with the possible impact on humanhealth and environment, the management of hazardous substances is receiving greater attention fromall sectors. International organizations including the United Nations Conference on Environment andDevelopment(UNCED), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD), U.S.Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA), and European Union(EU) have developed chemicalsystems to manage chemical hazards. Although currently in Taiwan, the National EnvironmentalProtection Administration, the Ministry of Labor and the Fire Agency have managed the chemicalhazards according to the scope of the jurisdiction, however, the regulated hazardous substances foreach Government agency are not the same, which leads to insufficient information for planningpreventive measures. Therefore, this study was aimed to develop a demonstration database forGeographic Information System of hazardous chemicals in a Science Park. This system is to provide aconvenient platform for reporting hazards from factories. Based on complete chemical databases, thissystem can be used to develop disaster prevention measures and risk management for occupationalinspection agencies.In this study, domestic and international references of the management of hazardous substances were reviewed. A regional Geographic Information System Database of chemical hazardous materialswas established in the Central Taiwan Science Park(CTSP) through collecting opinions from meetingsof experts and factory representatives. A hazardous chemicals reporting platform was established, therewere 50 plants uploaded their chemical database and 220 on-site examinations were performed byexperts. A total of more than 7,800 chemical data and more than 2,000 kinds of hazardous substanceswere collected in the database. Wherein, the most-used organic solvent was toluene; the mostusedspecific chemical was tetramethyl ammonium; the most-used class IV toxic material was butylacrylate.The functions of the systematic chemical database and Geographic Information System ofhazardous materials established in this study, for government administrative units, include integratinghazardous material resources, disaster prevention resources, and the environmental impact assessments,etc. For the factories, the functions include to set up hierarchical management of hazardous chemicals,to make hazards control measures and emergency response plans, etc. There is also a wide range ofthe extended applications which includes the management of raw materials feeding, chemical storage,and waste chemical recovery. The application of this system will be promoted to other regionalorganizations or factories.
起訖頁 253-265
關鍵詞 危害物質化學品資料庫地理圖資科學園區Hazardous MaterialChemical DatabaseGeographic Information SystemScience Park
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201712 (25:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 職業性溴丙烷暴露及手套防護效能評估研究
該期刊-下一篇 FDS與ALOHA軟體評估石化工廠火災之分析




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