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Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment for a Distillery
作者 許平昌林嘉鴻曹達和藍崇翰
針對某酒廠事業單位實施危害鑑別及風險評估,找出潛在風險作業進行危害說明與控制,以確保同仁之作業安全與健康,追求企業本身營運的永續發展。某酒廠五個單位進行作業之危害鑑別與風險評估。在「作業清查表」之例行性及非例行性活動,依其作業流程鑑別可能發生之危害,填入「危害鑑別與風險評估表」並註明現有之防護措施。風險等級共分為5級,Class1及2為「不可接受風險」;Class 3及4為「暫時接受風險」;Class 5為「可接受風險」,依風險矩陣進行等級評分基準。依風險評估結果,排序廠內潛在風險作業產生之危害並找出控制之方法與緊急處理措施。由風險矩陣評分之結果得到該酒廠作業活動之「可接受風險」為58.1%;「暫時接受風險」為41.9%,無「不可接受風險」。潛在風險作業之前三項危害為「夾、捲、壓傷」、「衝撞,被撞,碰撞」、「跌倒,滑倒」,針對評估之危害,再進行危害原理、發生可能點、預防及相關安全裝備等進行安全手冊之建置,確保員工作業的安全與保障。本研究針對單一年度酒廠危害鑑別及風險評估之資料進行分析,可續辦理多年期之危害鑑別及風險評估,並結合職業災害統計數據,建立更完整的評估資料,以提升酒廠安全衛生的永續目標。
A distillery company was applied for this study through the hazard identification and riskassessment to verify potential risks. To ensure the safety and health for workers and pursuit sustainabledevelopment of the enterprise, hazard identification and risk assessment were carried out for fivedepartments of the distillery. The assessing schedules include routine and non-routine activities. TheHazard Identification and Risk Assessment Forms were recorded with indicating the existing protectivemeasures to identify the hazards. The risk level is divided into five groups: the Class 1 and 2 are'unacceptable risks', the Class 3 and 4 are 'temporarily accepting risks' and the Class 5 is 'acceptablerisk'. According to the risk matrix rating score results, the potential risk from the factory operatinghazards was sorted and the control methods for emergency procedures were deployed.The 'acceptable risk' of the distillery operating activity was 58.1% from t the risk matrix scoreresults and the 'temporarily accepted risk' was 41.9%. No 'unacceptable risk' was found. The firstthree potential hazard risk operations orders are 'folder, roll, crush', 'collision ', and 'fall, slipping'.The hazard principle, possible occurrence places, and the preventive and emergency treatmentswere conducted, so the employees could understand the hazards during operations to ensure theirsafety and health. There is only one year investigation for the distillery’s hazard identification andrisk assessment. A complete risk assessment information could be established if more data could becollected and analyzed. To improve the occupational safety and health issues, it needs to enhance thesafety and hygiene standards for the distillery as a sustainable goal.
起訖頁 274-286
關鍵詞 酒廠危害鑑別風險評估永續發展DistilleryHazard IdentificationRisk AssessmentSustainable Development
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201712 (25:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 FDS與ALOHA軟體評估石化工廠火災之分析
該期刊-下一篇 爆炸性環境之專業人員能力驗證制度分析




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