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Spiritual Care for Patients and Their Families in the Intensive Care Unit
作者 楊星瑜
近期在國內靈性護理臨床相關文章,多以如何增進癌症末期病患或安寧緩和單位的靈性安適或是發展相關評估工具為主,較少以加護單位的急重症病患、家屬為主的相關論述。然而急重症單位的病患在面臨危急生命與複雜生理問題之際,靈性護理在個案疾病復原或適應及家屬對加護單位照護與醫療決策的滿意狀況扮演著重要的角色。本文介紹有關急重症病患與家屬靈性照顧的協同模式與照護準則,再輔以兩篇近期以加護單位病患為對象的介入性研究介紹,配合直接且容易了解及運用靈性兩層面的安適概念: 垂直、水平的措施說明。希望能提供臨床急重症護理人員,於執行提升病患與家屬靈性照護時之參考。
To date, most of the literature in Taiwan on clinical spiritual care has focused either on improving the spiritual well-being of patients or on developing assessment tools suitable for use with end-stage cancer patients. Few articles have discussed spiritual care in the context of intensive care unit (ICU) patients and their family members. When ICU patients face life-threatening and complex physiological problems, spiritual care plays an important role in disease recovery and adaptation and impacts the satisfaction and medical decision-making of critical patients and their family members. This article describes the synergy model and spiritual care guidelines for ICU patients and their families. Furthermore, this article supplements two recent interventional studies that targeted ICU patients in intensive care unit with direct and easily understood instructions for self-implementation of the two dimensions, vertical and horizontal, of spiritual well-being. The author hopes to provide a practical reference for implementing spiritual care with ICU patients and their families in clinical practice.
起訖頁 5-10
關鍵詞 靈性護理急重症單位協同模式臨床照護準則spiritual careintensive care unitsynergy modelclinical practice guidelines
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 201806 (65:3期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-下一篇 愛滋感染者的污名與靈性照顧




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