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文山評論:文學與文化 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Gogol and Magritte: Towards Understanding Montage Strategies
Gogol and Magritte: Towards Understanding Montage Strategies
作者 Beata Waligorska-Olejniczak (Beata Waligorska-Olejniczak)
This article is aimed at the comparative analysis of the selected short stories of Nikolai Gogol and the paintings of René Magritte, the Belgian artist most often associated with surrealism. The dominant rule governing the works of Magritte and Gogol seems to be the poetics of negation, built, among other things, on emphasizing the lack of an expected value or its replacement with an opposite one. Gogol, whose works had a critical influence on the development of Russian literature, shows in most of his texts the decline of the human being. The exaggerated pictures of the physical degradation of the body are Gogol’s method to turn attention to those characters who are pushed to live on the margins of society. Magritte, on the other hand, puts emphasis on an ironic play between the expected and unexpected, as well as the representation, reproduction and repetition of other typical elements of his technique. The publication shows that in spite of the differences between the medium of representation and the thematic content of the works, the authors use similar montage strategies such as the use of visual metonymy, synecdoche, suspense and repetitive close-ups of body parts. In this context, we refer to the Eisenstein’s concept of montage and discuss the artists’ experiments with prosthetic bodies.
起訖頁 81-101
關鍵詞 GogolMagrittemontagenegationEisenstein
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 201812 (12:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 Tobias Smollett’s Interpolated Narratives: Marginal Voices within Mainstream Novels
該期刊-下一篇 George Orwell’s Vision of China: From Beastly Tea to Sickly Rice-Spirit




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