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Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) to Purchase Factors of University Students for Smart Phones
作者 黃世瑋林彥呈廖慶華
智慧型手機現為手機市場上最熱門的選擇之一,加上不斷地推陳出新與價格降低的關係,對科技敏銳的大學生已成為最主要的消費族群之一。然而,在選購多功能的智慧型手機時,消費者 (或設計師) 考慮的購買 (或設計) 因素是複雜的。因此,若能確立大學生對智慧型手機選購的重要因素為何?優先順序為何?將有助設計師 (或手機廠商) 作為設計與研發時的參考依據。故本研究採用多準則決策方法 (multiple criteria decision making, MCDM) 來釐清大學生選購手機時之決策問題。另一方面,本研究為了瞭解「不同評量方式影響之決策差異」,將購買因素分別設計為「相對尺度之兩兩比較評量」和「絕對尺度之單一給分評量」。此外,又因受測者填答兩種評量方式之順序不同可能會影響到決策結果,故本研究將兩種評量方式搭配「填答先後順序」設計出兩組線上問卷。經過調查後,再利用層級程序法 (analytic hierarchy process, AHP)與灰關聯 (grey relational analysis, GRA) 分析「大學生選購因素排序」、「兩種評量方式之差異」和「問卷先後順序之差異」。研究結果如下:(1) 研究內容有多個項目難以分辨彼此優劣 (評估項目間差異較小) 或對評估項目已有既定認知時,適合採用相對尺度的兩兩比較量測法。(2) 若研究人員需同時調查評估項目之「絕對尺度」和「相對尺度」時,建議先採用「單一給分量測」再進行「兩兩比較量測」。(3) 在AHP 部分,大學生最重視「價格」。GRA 部分,則重視操作上的「系統穩定度」。(4) 在AHP 結果中,優惠方案、品牌服務、照相、系統穩定度、手機材質為各項中排名較高 (較重視) 之項目。在GRA 結果中,優惠方案、品牌服務、螢幕大小與材質、系統穩定度與手機體積為各項中排名較高之項目。
Due to the development and progress of technologies, the demand forfunctions of mobile phones is getting higher and strong. Hence, smartphones become the hot-selling products in the (mobile phone) marketing.In addition, there are various medium-level (or low-level) smart phoneswith the short product life cycle. Consequently, university students havinghi-tech sensibilities are the main target for mobile phones’ markers or designers.However, the process is very complicated when a consumer chooseor purchase a smart phone. What is the key factor? What are their priorities?And what is the hierarchy among the purchase factors? This studyadopts the approach of multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) toanswer the research questions mentioned above. Furthermore, in order toclarify the influence of the different assessments for the decision making,two assessments were used in this study, including “pairwise comparisons(relative-judgment)” and “a 7-point scale (absolute-judgment).” In addition,two online questionnaires with two different assessments in sequence (i.e.“first relative-judgment, then absolute-judgment,” and “first absolutejudgment,then relative-judgment”) are designed to determine whether thetime sequence will affect the result of decision making. As such, theAnalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Grey Relational Analysis (GRA)are used to explore the priority of purchase factors for smart phones.
起訖頁 193-208
關鍵詞 智慧型手機層級程序法灰關聯分析多準則決策smart phonesanalytic hierarchy processgrey relational analysismultiple criteria decision making
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 201609 (31:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 伺服器內散熱器及風扇之節能分析
該期刊-下一篇 電流箝制相移控制之隔離雙主動半橋直流-直流轉換器




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