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Association Analysis of Return Merchandise and Manufacturing Process Abnormalities: A Case Study of Industrial Personal Computer
作者 阮業春吳旻穗
由於消費性電子產品獲利降低,許多公司競相投入獲利較高的工業電腦產業。除提供滿足客戶需求的創新設計與應用外,業者同時要維持良好品質與效率,以擊敗競爭對手及確保利潤。本研究首先彙整某工業電腦公司製造執行系統 (manufacturing execution systems, MES) 與退貨商品授權 (return merchandiseauthorization, RMA) 中的品質異常資料;接著,應用Apriori 演算法找出RMA 與MES 間的品質異常關聯並建立RMA-MES 預測模型,以預測製程異常所可能造成的退貨問題;最後,分析與討論RMA-MES 關聯資訊,以做為RMA 及MES 發生異常時,管理人員採取適當對策及防禦措施之參考。
Due to the low profit return of consumer electronic products, manycompanies transferred their investment to the industrial personal computers(IPC) industry to pursue higher profit. In addition to providing innovativedesign and application to meet customer requirements, manufacturers alsoneed to keep good quality and high efficiency to defeat competitors andensure profits. This research first collects the abnormal quality data fromthe Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and Return Merchandise Authorization(RMA) of a real IPC company. Then, the Apriori algorithm isapplied to analyze the association of quality abnormalities between RMAand MES, and further, to build the RMA-MES forecasting model to predictthe possible return merchandise problems from the manufacturing processabnormalities. Finally, RMA-MES association information is discussed and explained to provide managers a reference for taking proper countermeasuresand prevention when RMA and MES abnormalities occur.
起訖頁 253-263
關鍵詞 資料探勘關聯分析退貨商品授權製造執行系統data miningassociation analysisreturn merchandise authorizationmanufacturing execution systems
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 201509 (30:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 隨選目標之智慧型排程與產品管理系統之研發




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