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Fiber Laser Cutting Effect on Stent Surface Roughness and Kerfs Width
作者 林聖堯陳政順周迺寬陳益祥馬小蕃歐仁信
支架是用於治療心血管疾病最主要的方法;其主要研究的技術是光纖雷射切割支架行為,通過實驗獲得最適化的離焦點位置、輸出功率及切割速度…等切割參數,且利用其切割參數對切縫寬度和粗糙度之影響做研究。結果顯示,其支架利用最適化的切割參數,可在316LVM 不鏽鋼管 (管壁厚度為0.12mm,直徑為6mm),獲得切縫均勻和粗糙度佳的效果;研究成果為縫寬小於16.8 μm及粗糙度 (Ra值) 小於43.5 nm之網狀結構的支架。
Stents are commonly inserted into coronary arteries for treating cardiovasculardiseases. Nonetheless, the process of manufacturing metalstents is challenging owing to the geometric design, the optimization ofmachining methods, and the materials involved. Fiber lasers were used asthe laser cutting technology for cutting stents. The experiment revealedthe importance of precise technical parameters, including the cutting speed,laser power and defocus amount. These parameters strongly influence thekerfs width and the quality of the cutting seam surface. The optimal technologicalparameters for cutting cardiovascular stents with laser wereacquired on the base of the experiment. Stents whose kerfs width is lessthan 16.8 μm were cut after repeated experiments. The surface roughness for stent laser cutting was Ra 43.5 nm, which essentially meets the designrequirement for further performance evaluation. Finally, high-quality cuttingof a 316LVM stainless steel vascular stent was achieved.
起訖頁 89-96
關鍵詞 雷射切割支架光纖雷射laser cuttingstentfiber laser
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 201306 (28:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 應用電子式反彈錘及適應性類神經模糊推論系統預測混凝土抗壓強度
該期刊-下一篇 非結構化增量修正多重網格法的概括性研究




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