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Development of Phototherapeutic Liposuction Equipment
作者 蔡吉勝丁慶華
本文的目的為採用光學療法相關技術,開發一台整合性的光學美容儀器。採用低功率雷射可穿透表皮的特性來分解皮下脂肪,將皮下脂肪分解且無損表皮細胞,以達到養顏和滅脂纖體的目的。本系統所使用的是波長880 nm 與635nm 為主的雷射光,來進行深層細胞活化以及細胞修護,並刺激細胞合成代謝。除了雷射外並輔以紅、藍、綠三色之發光二極體 (LED 燈) 作為冷光光源,用來治療粉刺等一般肌膚常見疾病。再加以負壓吸引方式對皮膚進行按摩使脂肪細胞均勻分解,以利於人體吸收排泄,使皮膚表面不會產生凹凸不平的現象。同時整合臭氧 (O3) 清潔功能,用以清潔皮膚表面防止細菌增生造成暗瘡。在硬體設備上,除整合多功能於同一機台外,更加入人性化的視覺式觸控面板做為人機介面,讓使用者能夠快速且方便地操作所有功能。由於其為非侵入式的美容醫療方式,所以不會有傷口感染等抽脂手術問題,更易為大眾所接受。
The object of this paper is to develop an integrated liposuction systembased on phototherapeutics. A low power laser is adopted for lipiddecomposition. The laser can pass through the surface of the skin andactivate lipolysis in the lipid layer without hurting other cells. The wavelengths of the low power lasers applied in this integrated liposuctionsystem are 880 nm and 635 nm. These wavelengths can activate cellsdeep under the skin surface and excite the metabolism of the cell. Theskin can also be massaged by vacuum equipment at the same time. Thisequalizes the rate of lipolysis under the skin surface and improves theevacuation of decomposed lipids. Luminescence and ozone (O3) are alsoapplied to cure and clean skin affected with acne. In the hardware, anintuitive control interface is realized with a touch panel and an LCD. Thisallows the liposuction system to integrate different therapy functions foreach user. As this is an integrated liposuction system using invasivephototherapy, there are no wounds, no infection, and, most important, itwill be widely accepted by populations.
起訖頁 83-90
關鍵詞 光學療法鐳射美容phototherapylasercosmetology
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 201003 (25:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 以數位信號處理器為核心的平面式倒單擺之監督式模糊控制
該期刊-下一篇 在Bitmap 圖檔中藏入訊息之實作與應用




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