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Optimization of Tilt Angle for Photovoltaic Modules by Genetic Algorithm
作者 張英彬
Due to the shortage of fossil energy and the serious environmental pollution problems, in the future, energy from photovoltaic cells will become more important. In order to enhance the electric power output, the tilt angle of cell modules should be adjusted according to the climatic conditions as well as the latitude of the site where the cell modules have been installed. In this study, seven Taiwanese cities were selected for analysis. First, the position of the sun at any time and location was predicted by the mathematical procedure of Julian dating; then, the irradiation was obtained at each site under a clear sky. By considering this data with the temperature effect, a genetic algorithm was adopted to calculate the tilt angle and output power for fixed south-facing PV modules. The results show that the annual optimal angle for the Taipei area is 23.15°; for Taichung, 22.2°; for Tainan, 21.14°; for Kaosiung, 20.78°; for Hengchung, 20.16°; for Hualian, 22.15°; and for Taitung, 20.93°. The conversion efficiencies are between 13.08% and 13.61%. In order to confirm the computer simulation results, experiments were conducted for determining the optimal tilt angle of the PV modules. Six fixed south-facing PV modules with different tilt angles were selected. The experiment was carried out at Nantou city in Taiwan from April 2006 to March 2007. A PC-based data-acquisition system was built to automatically record each PV module's voltage, output current, output power, temperature and solar irradiation. The results also show us that the optimal tilt angles were very similar whether the electric power or the irradiation was used as the objective function. Hence, the tilt angle of the fixed structure modules should be carefully evaluated for different places and periods of time ill order to obtain the maximum overall output power.
起訖頁 83-92
關鍵詞 基因演算法太陽能電池傾斜角genetic algorithmphotovoltaic cellstilt angle
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 200806 (23:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 企業電子化之彈性工作流程建構機制設計
該期刊-下一篇 高壓直流轉換開關點火失敗引起之現象及其對渦輪發電機之影響




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