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Development of CAM Program for Precision Grinding Drills of Non-metallic Cutting
作者 陳進益李炳寅邱紹維
The key know-how for CNC tool grinders is the successful and all-embracing integration of technologies such as structure design and analysis, mechanism design and kinematic analysis, mechatronics, vibration-mode analysis, CAD/CAM software design for tools, and control system design. In the past, the conventional tool grinders used for sharpening tools of non-metallic materials used a step-sharpening method. This sometimes resulted in undesirable degrading of precision for disposable cutters. The geometry of a cutting edge is so complicated that it is difficult and time-consuming to obtain the optimal procedures using conventional tool grinders. This has caused manufacturers to retreat to a conservative attitude toward developing this technology. Nowadays, more detailed and useful know-how is possessed by major foreign manufacturers, and is difficult to acquire. Therefore, this paper's purpose is to develop a PC-based four-axis tool grinder for resharpening disposable cutters for precisely cutting non-matallic materials in cooperation with the TOP-Work company. In order to analyze the entire grinding procedures and paths of woodworking tools, the geometrical relationship of tools is researched first. And further, we apply object-oriented programming language to construct a computer-aided manufacturing system for grinding woodworking tools. The system can find the optimal grinding point and procedures by setting suitable grinding parameters. Finally, we can grind tools correctly and safely after 3D simulation of tools. A novel PC-based four-axis tool grinder that did not exist before is developed independently. More importantly, the market competitiveness of the TOP-Work company is strengthened. This also brings forth promotion of technology as well as market competitiveness for the corresponding upstream, midstream, and downstream manufacturers.
起訖頁 53-60
關鍵詞 工具磨床研磨木工刀tool grindergrindingwoodworking tools
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 200803 (23:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 聯翼式飛機動態特性之探討
該期刊-下一篇 辨識深切特徵演算法之研究




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