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應用SOAP Agents 開發跨平台遠端監控系統
Evelopment of Cross-Platform Remote Monitoring and Control System Using Soap Agents
作者 陳文欽陳振臺林建成
傳統分散式的監控系統架構下,各系統間溝通不易且軟體差異甚大,造成系統維護與升級之困難。本研究應用SOAP(simple object access protocol)技術開發跨平台遠端監控系統,藉由SOAP Agents之XML標準化之物件格式及HTTP通訊協定作為系統間溝通之管道,有效地處理各異質系統間資料交換的問題,並突破傳統分散式物件易受防火牆阻隔之限制。本研究以中華大學工管系自動化實驗室內之模組化生產系統(modulus production system, MPS),發展其相關軟硬體介面。透過個人電腦進行整合控制,並以MySQL資料庫儲存所收集到的生產與控制資料,並將其應用於規劃生產計劃、品質控制、產能控制及專家系統等的分析依據。此外,客戶可經由WWW查詢目前生產線運作狀況,或查詢資料庫內現階段的生產資料,視需要提出變更生產參數。並結合無線攝影器材和無線網路PDA行動裝置,實際建構一個跨平台、跨語言且兼顧系統安全之整合式遠端監控系統。
In this research, we propose SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) agents to develop a cross-platform remote monitoring and control system. All independent and dispersal control systems in the plant, via XML standard object format and HTTP communication protocol can gather supervisory management information. This system can improve the ease of use in system maintenance and upgrading, in-system communication and reduce the complications involved in developing a remote control system. The objective of this study is to combine the Intranet, a personal computer and the Modular Production System(MPS)to develop architecture for a SOAP- based remote supervisory control system, without the constraint of fire wall disturbance. In this study, we employ the MPS in the Automation Laboratory of Chung-Hua University as a test platform to construct an Internet supervisory control system that includes communication, user interface, and MySQL database. The database collects the production control and process data to support the production planning, quality control, capacity planning, and shop floor monitoring. In addition, the client can request the current status of production line via WWW inquiry. These can allow equipment supplier/customer to perform supervision, analysis, study, and processing in real-time in order to decrease recovery time when the equipment is off-line. Thus the productivity and the effective use rate of equipment are increased.
起訖頁 277-284
關鍵詞 SOAP agentsXML跨平台遠端監控系統soap agentsxmlcross-platformremote monitoring and control system
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 200609 (21:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 引擎防重覆啟動裝置之研製
該期刊-下一篇 結合加解密技術之程式記憶體保護模組設計




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