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Design and Implementation of a Force Feedback Control System for Flight Simulation
作者 蔡清池陳燿貴林水春
This paper develops methodologies and techniques for design andimplementation of a force feedback control system in flight simulators with“irreversible” control loading features. Such a system is designed so thatthe pilot is accurately aware of the actual flight conditions, thus generatingappropriate control commands to correct the aircraft attitude. In order toshow real dynamic force feedback characteristics, an inner loop system isproposed, based on impedance control theory. The model follows theimpedance control approach in order to let the force feedback model equalthe mass-damper-spring system, thereby achieving force and positioncontrol at the same time. The outer loop system is designed using two massmechanical systems, employing control loading measuring equipment toobtain force-position curves and parameters of the real system. With the established inner loop and outer loop systems, any desired dynamic controlloading features can be easily obtained by changing the outer loop systemmodel. Several experimental results are shown to illustrate the feasibilityand efficacy of the proposed system. This type of force feedback controlsystem is particularly useful in constructing simulators for tanks,helicopters, aircraft, ships, vehicles and even games.
起訖頁 185-194
關鍵詞 飛行模擬力回饋阻抗控制模型跟隨控制flight simulationforce feedbackimpedance controlmodel following control
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 200506 (20:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 國人男性雙人物料提舉能力之研究
該期刊-下一篇 直流馬達定位控制──最佳PID 控制器之設計




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