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Fabrication and Characterization of Modify Sandwich Composite
作者 曾亮 (Liang Tseng)崔征國
本文乃設計採用三維纖維織物係將兩層同時編織之平織布加上同步上下聯接之垂直纖維所構成,然後含浸樹脂成為改良式三明治結構複材。此一結構複材具有以下之優點:(一)可使 FRP 製造業者改進相關產品,如低重量、高剛性及高強度;(二)由於使用較少之樹酯及垂直纖維之毛細管作用,故具有較低材料成本及降低人工費用之效應;較傳統式三明治結構複材之內部心材更易加工及可塑性;(三)其內部中空結構可作為防漏檢測、冷卻及隔熱等功能。以期改善傳統式三明治結構複材實際應用於構材時,會因外在載重而造成面板的張力破壞或皺摺破壞、心材的剪力破壞、面材與心材間的脫層破壞等現象之缺點。為發展一強度高、韌度佳之改良式三明治結構複材,乃需對其製程與力學性質充分瞭解,所以本文特著眼於此,故研究內容包含:(一)如何製造三維纖維織物作為改良式三明治結構複材;(二)經由理論的分析及實驗的量測來瞭解此一材料之力學特性。研究之結果將可用於三維纖維織物產品的開發與性能評估,且可對改良式三明治結構複材選用及力學性提供設計依據。
In an effort to overcome the drawbacks of traditional sandwichstructures, such as wrinkling failure, shear failure in core materials, anddelamination, this paper proposes to make a specially modified fabrics assandwich composites. Such a modified fabric is made up of twobi-directional woven fabrics separated by vertical fibers as integratedsandwich composites. The resulting sandwich composites have thefollowing advantages: high bending stiffness, high strength, nodelamination or stress cracking, easy handling of large parts and goodformability at a low weight compared with other core materials likehoneycombs and foams. In addition, the hollow structure enables themodified fabrics to use as leak detection, cooling, insulated, and noisecontrol materials. In an effort to take full advantages of sandwich composites, a thorough understanding of their fabrication andcharacterization is necessary. To this end, the research topics include (a)fabrication of modified fabrics as a sandwich composite, and (b)characterization of the material effective properties of the compositethrough theoretical analysis and experimental measurement. It is believedthat this research will offer valuable results for composite designer to tailorthe end products and for the related industries in the material fabrication.
起訖頁 57-66
關鍵詞 三明治複材面材夾心材料有效彈性模數sandwich compositesface materialscore materialseffective elastic moduli
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 200503 (20:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 結合可行方向法與基因演算法於濾波器之最佳規劃
該期刊-下一篇 天然石墨呋喃樹脂碳材披覆改質之鋰離子電池負極材料開發




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