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An Investigation of Current Situation of Breastfeeding Room inWorkplaces in Taiwan Area
作者 李婉萍謝春滿 (Chun-Man Hsieh)黃美惠蘇貞瑛
目標:了解(1)全國各職場之哺(集)乳室設置現況;(2)各縣市職場哺(集)乳室設置現況。方法:於2009年,以台灣地區8208家職場為對象,進行資料收集,7946家職場回答,回應率為96.8%。結果:(1)全國性職場之哺(集)乳室設置率為32%;(2)各職場設置率最高的為衛生所(81%),其次為醫院(61%)。而設置率最低的為私立公司行號(7%);(3)宜蘭縣的設置率最高(54.7%),其次為台北市(53.9%)。設置率最低的是桃園縣(15.1%) 及南投縣(15.1%)(4)未設置哺(集)乳室職場家數大於300家的縣市分別為桃園縣(750家)、台北縣(690家)、台中縣(375家)、彰化縣(371家)及台南縣(371家)。結論:(1)全國職場哺乳室設置率偏低;(2)哺(集)乳室於各職場的設立不均衡,尤以私立公司行號的設置率過低(7%);(3)而各縣市的設置家數及設置率不均;(4)應更進一步的調查未設置哺(集)乳室的原因並制定解決方案,以增加職場哺(集)乳室的設置率。
The purpose of this study was to investigate: (1) the establishment of breastfeeding rooms in workplaces; and (2) the establishment of breastfeeding rooms in different counties in Taiwan. Methods: A nation-wide survey, targeted at 8208 workplaces in Taiwan area, was conducted in 2009. Final data were collected from a total of 7946 workplaces, with a response rate of 96.8%. Results: (1) The establishing rate of breastfeeding rooms in workplaces was 32%. (2) Among these workplaces, the public health center had highest establishing rate (81%), followed by hospitals (61%). Private companies had lowest establishing rate of 7%. (3) Among counties, the highest establishing rate was in Yi-lan county(54.7%), followed by Taipei city (53.9%). Tao-yuan and Nan-tou counties had lowest eatablishing rate of 15.1%. (4) Counties had more than 300 workplaces without breastfeeding rooms were Tao-yuan county (750 workplaces), Taipei county (690 workplaces), Tai-chung county (375 workplaces), Chang-hua county and Tai-nan county (371 workplaces, respectively). Conclusions: (1) The establishing rate of breastfeeding rooms in Taiwan was low; (2) the disparty of establishing rate for breastfeeding room in workplaces was large, particularly, very low in private companies; (3) the numbers and establishing rates in different counties varied; (4) there was a need to further investigate the reasons for the differences listed above and to propose a project for the issue, so that the establishment of breastfeeding room in workplaces can be increased.
起訖頁 147-156
關鍵詞 哺(集)乳室母乳哺育哺乳親善職場BreastfeedingBreadfeeding roomBreastfeeding-friendly workplacesEstablishing rate
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201303 (42期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 齒模技工職業環境暴露與健康調查研究




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