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The U.S. Policy toward the U.S.-Japan Alliance: After 911 Incident
作者 林楚淇
The development of U.S.-Japan alliance is one of the primary issues in the field of U.S. foreign and security policy towards Asia. On September 11th, 2001, the first year of George W. Bush administration, terrorists attacked the Twin Tower of New York in the U.S. The incident had a great impact on the U.S. global strategic arrangements. The U.S.-Japan alliance in Asia was also influenced by 911 incident. On the whole, there are three factors influencing the U.S.-Japan alliance during the first tenure of George W. Bush administration: counter-terrorist policy after 911 incident, nuke problem of North Korea, and China's military expansion. Due to the three main factors, the U.S.-Japan alliance has become a more important role in maintaining American national interests in Asia. As far as international politics is concerned, the three main factors turned the U.S.-Japan alliance from a regional military alliance to a global political and military one.
起訖頁 47-69
關鍵詞 美日同盟美日安保關係小布希政府九一一事件北韓核武問題中國軍力擴張U.S.-Japan alliancethe Bush administration911 incidentnuke problem of North KoreaChina's military expansion
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201209 (41期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 社區照顧關懷據點銀髮族休閒動機與休閒體驗關聯性研究
該期刊-下一篇 多元族群學生之資訊能力與採用行動數位學習模式對科技接受度之影響




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