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Enhancement Customer Capital of Retail Industry
作者 劉財龍
為補足先前研究探討強化零售業顧客資本之缺口,本研究目的旨在彙整不同觀點之顧客資本文獻與衡量構面,並對國內零售業不同公司進行問卷調查與資料分析,以瞭解不同公司之受測者(主管)對顧客資本不同構面所產生之認知差異性為何,及發現各項構面之優先重要性為何。本研究針對百貨公司、便利商店及量販店等三大不同零售業公司的主管進行抽樣調查,總共取得202 份問卷。研究結果發現,顧客資本之不同變數(含基本行銷能力、市場擴展能力、通路配合、市場強度、顧客回應、品牌權益)在百貨公司、便利商店及量販店等不同零售業公司之顧客之平均值有所差異。另外,百貨公司、便利商店及量販店等零售公司在顧客價值各自不同變數之平均值亦有所差異。進一步地,本研究發現百貨公司、便利商店及量販店等三大零售公司合計之平均值分析結果,基本行銷能力最高,市場強度次之,其次依序為品牌權益、顧客回應、市場擴展能力,及通路配合。此些研究結果,可作為提升零售業顧客資本關鍵因素之參考依據。最後,本研究提出管理意涵、命題發展,及針對零售業者提出六項如何強化零售業顧客資本之經營管理策略相關建議。
To bridge the gap of past studies in the enhancement customer capital of retail industry, the purpose of this research is attempting to summarize literature and dimensions of different perspectives customer capital. Besides, this research attempts to invest the customers of domestic retail industry and hopes research results to understand the customer’s perceived difference of customer capital, and finds the priority of each dimension of customer capital. Empirical analysis was then performed based on the sample data of 202 questionnaires collected from the company’s chief of department store, convenient store, and hypermarket in Taiwan. The results revealed that: there is mean different customer’s perceived difference of department store, convenient store, and hypermarket in different customer value variables (i.e. basic marketing capabilities, market developmental ability, channel correspondence, market strength, customer response and brand equity). In addition, there is also customer’s perceived difference of different customer value variables in department store, convenient store, and hypermarket. Furthermore, this research found that the mean priority (i.e. basic marketing capabilities, market strength, brand equity, customer response, market developmental ability and channel correspondence) of each dimension of customer capital of department store, convenient store, and hypermarket of retail industry. These research results can provide the reference of key factor of enhancement customer capital of retail industry. Finally, this research provides managerial implications, propositions development and six suggestions of strategic management for enhancement customer capital of retail industry.
起訖頁 69-86
關鍵詞 顧客資本零售業customer capitalretail industry
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201103 (38期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 新移民家庭子女自我概念、學業表現與生活適應之相關研究
該期刊-下一篇 屏東縣長治鄉社區照顧關懷據點健康促進活動成效探討




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