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The Study of Intention to Develop Digital Learning for Internal and External Variable of Enterprise
作者 王宗松
網際網路的普及,使資訊傳播更加迅速,以網路為核心的教育及數位化學習模式,將成為未來最為重視的學習方式。本研究主要想了解影響企業發展數位學習之因素;數位化學習對企業發展是否有幫助?導致企業發展數位學習之意向為何?進而提供企業一個明確目標與發展參考方針。本研究採問卷調查法,根據本研究之架構及研究假設來設計調查問卷,其中A 部分「企業發展數位學習之需求、便利因素」、B 部分「企業發展數位學習之市場、環境因素」、C 部分「企業發展數位學習之學習、企業本身因素」、D 部分「基本資料」。全部問卷共計49 題,評分方式採用李克特五點式尺度計分,採隨機取樣,研究對象為高屏兩地區20-40 歲之企業人才,根據所蒐集的資料來探討企業是否發展數位學習之意向評估。由次數分配統計方法,檢測各題細項所佔比例,在網路的連線方式中,使用寬頻連線的方式居多,寬頻連線速度也較快;而在使用網路主要因素,以工作需要比例最多68.5%。T 檢定顯示企業中男性比女性有較高使用數位學習之意向。One-way ANOVA 統計方法中,各個獨立外部變項因子對「企業發展數位學習之意向量表(DFAC)」的關係中,五個因素對於DFAC 都呈現非常顯著,其中,企業發展數位學習之企業本身因素(C)對DFAC 的影響最大、需求因素(D)次之、再來是環境因素(A)。在皮爾森積差相關方法中,由積差相關係數的關係中發現,需求因素(D)、便利因素(F)、環境因素(A)、學習因素(L)、企業本身因素(C)五個因素對企業發展數位學習之意向量表(DFAC)呈顯著的正相關。
The popularization of Internet makes information dissemination faster. Internet based digital learning becomes the most important learning method in the future. The study explored the reasons why company adopts digital learning, and its influence on the business. The study designed a questionnaire based on literature review and research questions. The questionnaire has 49 questions. Samples were drawn from 20-40 years old company personnel in Kaohsiung and Ping Tung area. Distributed statistical methods were utilized to analyze the weight of each question. In the way of network connections, most enterprise used broadband because it’s faster. The major reason why use Internet is for the work needed (68.5%). T tests indicated that the male had higher intention using digital learning in the company than the female did. One-way ANOVA show that all 5 factors had significant influence on and were positive correlated with the Digital Learning Development Intention Scale. The first reason why company develops digital learning is company needs; the second one is personal needs, and the third is the environment needs.
起訖頁 11-28
關鍵詞 數位學習網際網路digital LearningInternet
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201103 (38期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 溫泉水質及感官品評分析
該期刊-下一篇 顧客的零售商覺知對商店自有品牌的影響




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