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Using structural equation model to analyze the relationship between the attitude toward energy conservation and the related behavior among college students in Tajen University
作者 宋昭銘沈紹青何曉蓉徐北辰廖少威賴文亮
本研究以大仁科技大學學生為研究對象,採分層抽樣進行大學生節能態度及行為之問卷調查,合計發放200 份問卷進行調查,共得143 份有效問卷,並以AMOS16.0 結構方程模式作為資料分析工具,探討學生之節能態度對於節能行為影響及節能模式效度及配適度之合理性。結果顯示節能態度對於節能行為的徑路係數是0.66,決斷值(CR)>1.96,表示係數達0.50 之顯著水準。大部分觀察變項在潛在變項的因素負荷量皆大於0.70。內部結構建構效度,節能態度之組成信度為0.79,平均變異數抽取量為0.49;節能行為之組成信度為0.87,平均變異數抽取量為0.64,本研究模式皆符合建構效度理想值。在整體配適指標,當p-value為0.505,自由度值為19,卡方值為18.259,卡方自由度比則是1.862。在其他配適度指標,GFI、AGFI、RMSEA 、CFI 、TLI 與SRMR 值分別為0.969、0.942、0.000、1.000、1.002 與0.043,均高於理想值。整體而言,節能態度行為模式符合基本適配標準。影響學生節能態度的因素為「節能政策」、「節能生活」、「消費習慣」及「節能與環境」。影響學生節能行為的因素為「食」、「衣」、「住」及「行」。
In this study, students at Tajen University were used as the research subjects and stratified sampling was performed to analyze the attitude toward energy conservation and the related behavior. A total of 200 questionnaires were issued in this survey with 143 effective ones received. Data was analyzed using the descriptive statistics and the Structural Equation Model. For energy conservation, the attitude to behavior path analysis coefficient was 0.66, with Critical Ratio > 1.96. This exceeds the significance level of 0.50. Most of the factor loading for latent variables in the observed variables was greater than 0.70, with the exception of energy-saving approach for energy-saving policy and energy saving and environments. As for construct reliability, composite reliability of energy-saving attitude was 0.79 with an average variance extracted of 0.49; the composite reliability of energy-saving behavior was 0.87 with the average variance extracted of 0.64. This model developed in this research was consistent with construct validity. The whole fitting index under 19 degrees of freedom for chi-square value and Normed chi-square value was respectively 18.259 and 1.862 at p-value = 0.505. Those individual fitting index, like GFI = 0.969, AGFI =0.942, RMSEA = 0.000, CFI = 1.000, TLI =1.002, SRMR = 0.043, is higher than the standard value. As a whole, the model of energy-saving behaviors conforms to an essential fitness. Energy-saving life, spending habits, energy-saving policies and energy-saving and environment affect the attitude toward energy saving to a moderate extent. The latent variables including food, clothing, residence and vehicle have a medium influence on energy-saving behavior.
起訖頁 29-48
關鍵詞 結構方程模式節能態度節能行為structural equation modelattitude of energy conservationbehavior of energy conservation
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201009 (37期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 探討影響手握力之因子及其在電子產品掌上型設計之應用
該期刊-下一篇 工作頻率對於肌肉骨骼系統之影響




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