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論雷•布雷德利《華氏451 度》中非本真他者的獨裁與本真自我的覺醒
The Rule of the “They-self” and the Awakening to an Authentic Life in Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451
作者 郭晉榕
本論文乃運用馬丁•海德格在<<存在與時間>>一書中就本真自我與他者的獨裁之分析試論美國作家雷•布雷德利反烏托邦小說 <<華氏451 度>>中存在之本真,回返與施行本真與非本真之三種生存方式。透過小說中自我覺醒而付諸行動,已覺醒而等待時機的人物與沉淪的人物三類角色之對照,作家有力的強調個人本真生活之重要與言論自由之可貴,沒有言論自由,人就失去個人之主體性,如此一來,個人本真之生活即為不可能。
Published in 1953, Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit451 is a genuine cultural document which appears during the era labeled by the historians as “the McCarthy period”, the post-war political arena characterized by xenophobia, blacklisting and censorship. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the novel in terms of Heidegger’s concept of authenticity. From my analysis, I reach the conclusion that by presenting three types of characters, those who live an unreflecting and thus essentially inauthentic life, those who come to see and fight for the value of an authentic life and those who choose to live an authentic one, Bradbury emphasizes the importance of living an authentic life. Besides, he also upholds the value of freedom and that of expression, without which people can not develop their individuality and achieve their authenticity.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 馬丁•海德格雷•布雷德利《華氏451 度》本真性Ray BradburyFahrenheit451Martin HeideggerAuthenticity
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201009 (37期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-下一篇 探討影響手握力之因子及其在電子產品掌上型設計之應用




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