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Critical Theory and the Applications in MIS Research
作者 鄞俊波張秀華
There are multiple dimensions of social reality. Most of information system researches reflect a positivistic orientation. But social research should be not uni-direction, as well as should make critique and reflect on status quo. This study aims to explore the critical theory (or critical social theory: CST) and its applications in the field of MIS research. Two major themes are developed. The first, beginning with the Frankfurt School, is to introduce the history of CST and explore some bases and critics of the theory. Further, Habermas is the most influence people of the School. His framework of cognitive interest of knowledge and the theory of communication are explored. The next theme is to discuss the applications of critical theory in the field of MIS research, including basic assumptions, research methodologies, and the present research. The results provide the principles and guidelines for researchers who apply CST to study information systems. Finally, the impacts and prospects of CST for MIS research are considered.
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 資訊系統研究批判社會理論實證主義Information Systems ResearchCritical Social TheoryPositivist
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 200803 (32期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-下一篇 樟芝萃取物對高血脂倉鼠的血清及肝臟脂成份與抗氧化酶之影響




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