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A Study of Wang Ji's Ontology and Theory of Practice
作者 鍾彩鈞
This article discusses how Wang Ji (Longxi, 1498-1583) inherited and developed Wang Yang-ming’s Doctrine of Conscience. Wang Ji used “the occurrence of brilliant conscience” as his basic theory of ontology, by which heaven, earth, and myriad things are created in practice. In this theory there exists only man’s physical nature, which is regulated by Conscience permeated with Physical Force. Corresponding to his theory of ontology are practices executed by correcting mind-heart, purifying will, extending perception, and rectifying matters. In these respects Wang Ji developed his theories beyond Wang Yang-ming’s; however, he basically inherited Yang-ming’s philosophy characterized by a unity of Substance and Function. A considerable part of Wang Ji’s thought crosses over the boundary of Ethics and comes closer than Yang-ming to Taoism and Buddhism. Wang Ji’s emphasis on “Hiding in Secrecy” is exemplary of not only non-attachment to morality, but also a return to the ultimate, the origin. He combines both the practice of breathing and extending conscience. From the thought of transcendence he understood that “brilliant conscience” transcended life and death. He annihilated the distinction between the Buddhist realm and the evil realm by relating them to the non-good, non-evil state of Conscience. By doing so he made complete affirmation of the mundane world while still in search of moral advancement. All of these demonstrate that Wang Ji incorporated Taoism and Buddhism from the standing point of Confucian morality.
起訖頁 93-123
關鍵詞 心學王畿良知三教Mind-heart learningWang JiConscienceThree philosophies
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201007 (22期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 俞樾《毛詩平議》訓詁疏證初探
該期刊-下一篇 從遺民到隱逸:道家思想溯源──兼論孔子的身分認同




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