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Conjugal Relations and Gender Signification in the Tang Dynasty Sworn Brothers in the Jiaofangji
作者 廖珮芸
The Jiaofangji (Record of the Royal Academy of the Fine Arts) is a historical record of the Royal Academy of the Tang dynasty. Though small in size, it is packed full of interesting scraps of information, providing space for a rich discussion of gender especially in relation to “sworn brothers.” Its depiction of “sworn sisters” is very close to the folk custom of “burning incense before the gods to form an alliance.” The main differences are the importance given by women to their sisterly companionship, pseudo-consanguinity, and the oath of loyalty between the wives of a common husband. This unusual cultural phenomenon implies that women of the time were imitating male behavior, seeking subjective displacement, and instituting change in the social hierarchy. This paper’s discussion of gender in the Jiaofangji helps to shed light on traditional Chinese views of marriage, the wedding customs of northern China, and Chinese culture during the Tang dynasty. It hopes to increase our understanding of how women of the Tang dynasty found ways to express their subjectivity and break free of constricting social conventions.
起訖頁 27-51
關鍵詞 教坊記香火兄弟婚姻性別Jiaofangjisworn brothersmarriagegender
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201007 (22期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
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