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The Intellectual Structure of the Customer Relationship Management
作者 蕭文龍顏昌明楊翰璿
近年來市場競爭激烈,許多企業強調顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM),藉由強化顧客關係,提高顧客滿意度,進而增加營收並提高企業市場市占率。許多研究投入此領域中,然而對於顧客關係管理研究的整體架構、核心議題及趨勢,以客觀方式整理與探討,並不多見。因此本研究目的是透過共被引分析與因素分析方式,探討顧客關係管理的核心知識。結果顯示顧客關係管理的知識結構,可分為八大議題:(1)買賣雙方關係、(2)服務品質、(3)評估模式、(4)市場導向、(5)顧客關係管理架構、(6)顧客持續關係、(7)競爭優勢、及(8)理論演進。並對這些議題各別進行討論。再透過論文的發表時間分佈及研究對象,產生3 x 3的分類矩陣。並與之前類似的分類論文進行比較,觀察出顧客關係管理的核心議題及演變趨勢。最後,說明本研究的貢獻及限制。
In recent years, market competition becomes quite intensive. Many companies emphasize on customer relationship management (CRM). CRM can strengthen customer's relationship, improve customer satisfaction, thereby increasing revenue and market share. There are many studies which have participated in this domain. However, studies on the overall architecture and core issues and trends of CRM in an objective way are rare. Therefore, the aim of this research is to explore the intellectual knowledge of CRM, through the methods of co-citation analysis and factor analysis. The result shows that eight core issues of CRM were extracted: (1) The relationship between buyers and sellers, (2) Service quality, (3) Evaluation model, (4) Market orientation, (5) Framework of CRM, (6) The duration of customer relationship, (7) Competitive advantage, and (8) Theoretical evolution. Finally, authors examine and discuss these core issues.
起訖頁 335-361
關鍵詞 顧客關係管理文獻共被引分析因素分析知識結構customer relationship managementco-citation analysisfactor analysisintellectual structure
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201709 (15:3期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 雲端開放資料分析運算平台之研究--以資訊安全紀錄檔分析為例
該期刊-下一篇 型塑企業網站以提升吸引力:求職者與組織契合度對求職者意圖之影響




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