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The Study of User Needs in National Central Library: An Exploration of Three Different User Groups
作者 邱子恒邱昭閔吳亭佑林郁欣
為掌握使用者需求,確保圖書資訊服務品質,國家圖書館知識服務組的研究團隊於2015 年6 月到9 月間辦理了三場焦點團體座談,邀請大專校院以上在學研究人口、高中生、退休銀髮長者與談。本文由到館目的、館藏、服務、資訊設備、空間環境、餐飲服務、圖書館的意義等面向,描述此次的研究發現,並以同年度9 到10 月間進行的國圖館內使用者滿意度調查之結果進行比較與討論,試圖從使用者的角度探索規劃與改善分齡分眾服務的重要方向。文末,以2016 年的滿意度調查結果,呈現國家圖書館在服務、空間與環境等面向持續改善的成果。
To identify the users’ needs and also to ensure the quality of services, in June 2015, the research team of Knowledge Service Division, National Central Library (NCL), conducted three focus group interviews which subjects were college/ postgraduate above research population, high school students, and senior citizens respectively. The research findings of this study are illustrated from the following aspects: collections, services, information facilities, environment, dining service, users’ purpose of using the library and the meaning of library. The findings are further compared with the analysis result of in-library user satisfaction survey ran in September and October of the same year. From users’ perspectives, the study tried to map out a critical direction of services improvement for different user groups. In the end, the study presents the result of user satisfaction survey of 2016, which shows the improving outcome of service, environment and other aspects in NCL.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 使用者研究國家圖書館質性研究焦點團體座談user studyNational Central LibraryTaiwan, ROCqualitative researchfocus group interview
刊名 國家圖書館館刊  
期數 201712 (2017:2期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣圖書館員對圖家圖書館資訊組織課程需求之研究




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