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Sports, Empire and Gender: Women and the Chase in Shanghai, 1860-1945
作者 張寧
本文以帝國邊緣的上海為案例,結合運動與殖民、運動與性別兩個主題,同時討論殖民社會中的華洋女性,觀察她們如何利用運動此一概念,突破體能、心理以及社會對她們的制約,從而大幅擴大其公共空間。 受到英國傳統狩獵文化的影響,英式運動中,與馬匹、獵犬、獵槍有關者往往被放在較高位置,本文因此以賽馬、獵紙、賽狗三項活動為切入點。本文主張,殖民社會提供中上層女性難得的社會裂隙,一方面,英國母國森嚴的階級制度在此地被暫時性地打破與重塑,另一方面,中國傳統士農工商的階序也在此出現重新排列的機會。在這個更為自由的環境裡,跑馬場與賽狗場是滬上中上層女性發光的舞台,她們不只是觀眾,也是舉足輕重的賽馬馬主與賽狗主人,甚至是在曠野中跳躍奔馳的獵者。每當其勝出,她們的照片、名字刊登在中英文報刊與雜誌之上,光明正大,無須顧忌。通商口岸的社會裂隙提供女性前所未有的機會,而中上層女性也把握了此一機會,從父兄夫婿的背後走出,一舉顛覆了運動為男性領域的傳統,並大幅擴大了其公共生活的空間。
This article adopts the idea of informal empire and focuses on women in treaty-port Shanghai. Examining three representative British sports or the so-called “chase” at that time—that is, horse racing, paper hunting, and greyhound racing—this article shows that notwithstanding racial differences, British and Chinese elite women in Shanghai faced similar social constraints and adopted the same strategies. By joining the chase as spectators, prize awarders, horse owners, greyhound owners or even actual hunters, they successfully broke the physical and psychological restrictions that society imposed on them. This article argues China’s treaty ports created a rare fissure for both British and Chinese women. Britain’s rigid class system was temporarily broken and re-organized while China’s traditional social hierarchy was disrupted and re-formed. Exploiting this fissure and using sports as a kind of strategy, elite women managed to emerge from their fathers’ and brothers’ shadows and gain visibility in public life.
起訖頁 1-66
關鍵詞 運動性別殖民社會上海sportsgenderthe British EmpireShanghai
刊名 近代中國婦女史研究  
期數 201712 (30期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-下一篇 家庭、營養與食物:民國時期婦女與食物衛生之論述




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