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The Good Food Revolution: Will Allen and the African American Urban Farming Tradition
作者 周序樺
本篇論文檢視城市農夫與「耕植力量」(Growing Power)執行長威爾.艾倫在《良食革命:耕植健康的糧食、人與社區》中,再探西方農事詩學的歷程,試圖重現非裔美國農業經驗與重新定義工作與農事概念。艾倫透過「良食革命」讚揚耕作的農事價值觀,嘗試重建因全球資本主義大規模糧食生產方式而飽受摧殘的非裔美國貧民社區。然而,艾倫身兼執行長與城市農夫,這雙重身分挑戰務農的道德優越感與農事詩區分鄉村與城市的傳統界線。奠基於非裔美國奴隸史,艾倫展現農田與糧食在非裔美國民族征討公民權扮演樞紐的角色,並且城市農業不僅能永續經濟與環境價值,也代表了社會正義。
This essay examines urban farmer and Growing Power CEO Will Allen’s re-visioning of the georgics tradition in The Good Food Revolution: Growing Healthy Food, People, and Communities (2012) by reclaiming the African American agricultural experience and redefining notions of work and farming. Through a “good food revolution” that celebrates the georgic values of working the land, Allen attempts to rebuild an inner-city African American community devastated by a global capitalist mode of food production. Claiming to be a CEO and a farmer who works the urban land, his double-identity challenges the moral superiority of farming and the traditional divide between the country and the city evident in the georgic tradition. Building on African American history of enslavement, he traces African Americans’ eventual loss of food literacy and food sovereignty to the success of W. E. B. Du Bois’s liberal arts education over Booker T. Washington’s industrial education. He argues that the rights to farm and food have always been pivotal to the African-American struggle for civil rights and that a community-based urban farming model could not only be economically and environmentally sustainable, but socially just.
起訖頁 97-114
關鍵詞 威爾.艾倫城市農業農事詩學非裔美國文學Will Allenurban farminggeorgicsAfrican American literature
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 201712 (31期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 凱爾特之「唬」:不可靠的敘事者與當代愛爾蘭國族敘事
該期刊-下一篇 田園、農村與土地利用:英國現代前期劇本中的地景變異




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