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Taishang Shuo Tianfei Jiuku Lingyan Jing and the Diplomatic Missions during the Yongle Period: A Comparative Stud of the 1414 and 1420 Versions in the Tenri University Library
作者 藤田明良
The 1414 and 1420 versions of Taishang Shuo Tianfei Jiuku Lingyan ling (Book of the Celestial Supreme Narrating the Experiences of the Heavenly Queen's Salvation from Sufferings) in the Tenri University Library have long been known to academia. However, their contents have not been thoroughly introduced and studied. As the 1420 version (located in the Tenri University Library) has been preserved much better than the 1420version (located in the National Library of China) it can be used as a supplement to that version which differs in structure. This article will discuss the background of how the different edition were compiled, analyze their contents, and then compare the 1414 and 1420 versions with the 1416 edition of Taishanglaojun Shuo Tianfei Jiuku Lingyan Jing (Book of the Celestial Supreme Lord Narrating the Experiences of the Heavenly Queen's Salvation from Sufferings), in order to draw a clear picture of how the three versions came to exist and how they changed from edition to edition. By analyzing the background of relationships among the Mazu belief, Buddhism, and Taoism in these scriptures, this study will shed light on the activities of sailors, diplomatic missions, and Taoist priests during the Yongle period.
起訖頁 91-116
關鍵詞 媽祖天妃海外出使佛教道教MazuHeavenly Queen (Tianfei)Yongle PeriodDiplomatic MissionsBuddhismTaoism
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201712 (53期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
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該期刊-下一篇 乾嘉時期清朝與達賴喇嘛的關係:以會見禮儀為中心




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