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The Succession Problem and Politics in the Reigns of Taizong and Shizu of the Northern Wei
作者 羅文星
The Tuba regime (拓跋政權) encountered major problems in political and social transition after its establishment in Zhongyuan (中原). The critical issue was the system of monarchical succession. Throughout the process of establishing the primogeniture institution during the reigns of Taizong (太宗) and Shizu (世祖), the greatest threats came from the regime itself, including Shizu’s uncertainty about the definition of the institution and his unconventional leadership style, and from various traditional forces that were difficult to resist. The crown prince institution (東宮), which was also in a transitional stage, was completed during Shizu’s reign. When the Xianbei (鮮卑) nobles became regent-councilors of the crown prince and assumed a dominant position in politics, Cui Hao (崔浩) was forced to struggle with them. This conflict highlighted the unstable position of the crown prince. Although the power of Prince Hoang (太子晃) had been growing, it was still closely monitored by Shizu. The “Zhengping Incident” (正平事變), in which the eunuch Zongai (宗愛) intervened in the conventional succession, led to a crisis that revealed the difficulties of political and social transition.
起訖頁 1-51
關鍵詞 繼承體制太宗世祖太子晃崔浩正平事變Succession SystemTaizhongShizuPrince HoangCui HaoZhengping Incident
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201712 (53期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
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