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Toward a Political Hermeneutics of Incarnation: K. H. Ting’s Interpretation of the Gospels, Images of Jesus, and Their Appropriation
作者 王志希
K. H. Ting (1915-2002) has been regarded as one of the most important andcontroversial leaders of Chinese Protestantism. Taking the approach of “History ofacceptance of the Bible,” this article investigates how Ting, in the political context of thetime, interpreted Gospel texts, remade images of Jesus, and appropriated them torespond to the challenges facing Chinese Christians. Ting’s interpretation of Gospel textsand his shaping of contextualized images of Jesus can be better understood by contextualtheology or contextual hermeneutics. Ting’s writings may demonstrate that he frequentlypaid more attention to the four Gospels than to other parts of the Bible and that hestruggled to figure out what is the relevance of Jesus to the turbulent contemporaryworld. On the one hand, Ting “found” a Jesus who positively affirms thephysical-temporal world in the Gospels concerning the discourse of incarnation andJesus’s distributing loaves. This image of Jesus was appropriated to respond to thequestion “What is the nature of the physical-temporal world in God’s mind?” On the other hand, Ting also re-read the Bible with the urgent question of “Whether Christiansonly care who are believers and who are not?” in the post-1949 political context, and“discovered,” especially in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, a Jesus who renders toeveryone according to his or her deeds. Ting’s biblical hermeneutics may be termed “apolitical hermeneutics of incarnation.”
起訖頁 255-296
關鍵詞 丁光訓福音書耶穌形象道成肉身三自愛國運動K. H. TingThe GospelsImages of JesusIncarnationThree-Self Patriotic Movement
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201606 (50期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 以「維新」為例論陽明學在日治臺灣的傳播現象




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