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A Study of the Ming-Qing Intellectual Zhou Jing and His Career as an Advisor after 1644
作者 王兵
Zhou Jing (courtesy name Yuxun, pseudonym Xiangshan) was born in Shangyuan Countyin Jiangning Prefecture in the sixth year of the Tianqi reign (1626). According to theinference of academic circles, the date of his death should be after the forty-second year ofthe Kangxi reign (1703). He was very active in the circle of the Jinling literati in the lateMing and early Qing Dynasties, because he was proficient in literary creation and medicalskills, fond of sociality, and active in his career as an advisor of local officials and literaryselector. Existing books include two selected works (Jindai shichao and Xiangshan jinchaochidu xiaopin), which include both poems and prose, and two medical books (Yilin shengmodaquan and Huoyou xinfa daquan), which are both adapted from previous medical literature.Owing to the lack of materials, there have been many mistakes in the reviews of Zhou Jingby researchers since the Qing Dynasty. This paper aims at restoring the living circumstancesof ordinary literati in the middle of the seventeenth century by analyzing Zhou Jing’s life,works, and career.
起訖頁 121-152
關鍵詞 周京金陵生平著作游幕Zhou JingJinglingBiographyWorksCareer as an Advisor of Officials
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201606 (50期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 明代文人獄中經驗的書寫:以政治案件為考察核心
該期刊-下一篇 旅行書寫與跨界遊移:論竹添進一郎的漢文中國行紀




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