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Enhancing Accuracy Rate of Personal Protective Equipment measurements Implemented by Visitors to a Negative Pressure Isolation Ward
作者 蔡貽婷謝采恩武香君林蔚如洪靖慈陳立樺
Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), is the most Commonly reported communicable disease in Taiwan . The key to halt the spread of TB is ensuring the patients are initiating an adequate treatment, and to stop the transmission of TB to their visitors and family during the early hospital stay with in the negative pressure isolation ward. The visitors should follow the personal protective equipments (PPEs) measurements accurately to reduce the risk of exposure. We analysed the compliance of PPEs measurements in our ward and realized there was only a 23.3% accuracy rate for visitors Compliances. We developed a project to improve the PPEs measurements accuracy rate during March 2015 to September 2016. The causes of the low accuracy rate were: inconsistent protective regulations among visitors; lack of health education propaganda and education hardware; and nurses' failure to educate PPEs measurements for visitors. After the hospital reestablishment of visitor norms regarding protective procedures, making posters for PPEs measurements , addition of educational equipment, planned health education activities, and development of health information leaflets and checklists, the accuracy rate for visitors PPEs measurements was improved to 80%. This project effectively improved the personal protective measures of visitors entering and leaving the negative pressure isolation wards, and this project can serve as a reference for the institutes to improve the visitor PPEs measurements compliance.
起訖頁 49-61
關鍵詞 負壓隔離病房訪客防護步驟Negative pressure isolation wardvisitorpersonal protective equipment measurement
刊名 醫院  
期數 201712 (50:6期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
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