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A Study on Government Documents of Zhao, Gao, Biao of the ProvincialExam and the Capital Exams
作者 侯美珍
This study probes into the government document exams in the Ming Dynasty with the approaches of historical document analysis and statistics. The government documents, Zhao and Gao were used for the monarch to his subjects, and Biao was used for the subjects to the monarch, which were mainly as the second exam in the provincial exam and the capital exam in the Ming Dynasty. This research firstly clarifies the differences among the bibliographies of the exam regulations in the beginning of the Houngwu Emperor and presents the development of the government document exams. Subsequently, it discusses the original intention of setting the government document exams and the abuses to overstress the Classics in the first exam, which made the government document exams neglected. However, since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the examinees preferred choosing Biao, scarcely choosing Zhao and Gao, to complete the exam even though the three types of government documents were as choices. After the middle of the Chenghau Emperor, Biao was not only solely selected as a part of the exam, but also compiled as anthologies for the preparation books of the imperial examinations. The reasons to the partiality is elaborated through exploring the styles of the government documents and the competitiveness within the imperial examination arena.
起訖頁 125-158
關鍵詞 科舉公文考試鄉試會試明代imperial examinationgovernment document examsprovincial examscapital examsMing Dynasty
刊名 國文學報  
期數 201712 (62期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論鄭玄注「中和」之「覆載」說
該期刊-下一篇 羅欽順氣學思想之定位及與王廷相比較研究




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