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A Subversive White Snake Drama Sequel in Mid-Qing:The Preliminary Analysis of Post-Thunder Peak Pagoda collected in Tenri Library
作者 汪詩珮
This paper aims to discuss a newly found actor’s manuscript in Mid-Qing, a sequel of white snake drama; we can view it as a radical footprint, a lost link within the development of adaptation and transmission of white snake drama. It is also a “hidden version” in the transition of plots and characters among various Thunder Peak Pagodaversions, which affected and inspired not on its generation but on far more later adaptations in the Republican Era. This paper will examine this actor’s manuscript collected in Tenri Library of Japan, The Story of Post-Thunder Peak Pagoda, along with two versions of The Satisfactory Wish collected respectively in The National Library of Beijing and The Library of Congress in the U.S. It will discuss the possible writing period, its performative occasion, and the textual characteristics of the play. The purpose is to dig out the subversion context from its text and thoughts, which might lead to a specific narrative meaning on the various adaptations of White Snake story.
起訖頁 59-99
關鍵詞 雷峰塔白蛇戲曲稱心緣伶人本續書Thunder Peak PagodaWhite Snake dramaThe Satisfactory WishActor’s manuscriptSequels
刊名 國文學報  
期數 201712 (62期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 黃檗宗與江戶中期僧詩論析:以僧詩選集為進路的考察
該期刊-下一篇 論鄭玄注「中和」之「覆載」說




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