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Mnemonics in the Chinese L2 Lexicon
作者 Jerry Packard (Jerry Packard)
本文提出三種利用工作記憶進行的記憶術教學與學習策略, 以便使華語詞語對二語學習者更容易儲存與提取。此策略源自近 年的實驗,結果顯示工作記憶中的注意力焦點在二語學習者腦中 運作的穩健性與母語者相同。第一種策略運用華語詞語與詞組內 容中固有的自然搭配;第二種策略利用額外加上的華語詞語聲調 標示;第三種策略使用華語詞語中的固有同音詞。綜合而言,這 三種記憶機制可視為華語特有的訊息「處理裝置」,華語的二語 學習者能加以運用並藉此改善他們的詞語儲存與提取能力。
This paper proposes three mnemonic teaching and learning strategies that exploit working memory to make Chinese L2 vocabulary easier to store and retrieve. These strategies follow from experimental results demonstrating that the component of working memory known as Focus of Attention (FA) is as robust in second-language learners as it is in native speakers. The first strategy involves utilizing the natural collocation inherent in Chinese word and phrase content. The second strategy takes advantage of the redundant listing of tones in the Chinese lexicon. The third strategy exploits the well-known homophony inherent in Chinese lexical items. Taken together, these three mnemonic devices may be considered information ‘handles’ that the Chinese language is especially equipped to provide. The information can be used by L2 learners of Chinese to improve their lexical storage and retrieval capability.
起訖頁 53-63
關鍵詞 華語為二語的詞彙記憶術策略注意力焦點詞語的儲存與提取華語聲調同音詞Chinese L2 vocabularymnemonic strategiesfocal attentionlexical storage and retrievalChinese tonehomophony
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 201712 (15期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺美兩地華語教師之任務型教學認知理解與推動現況研究
該期刊-下一篇 華語作為第二語言泰籍學習者聲調之感知研究




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