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An Actor-Network Analysis of the “Building Solar Farms over Fish Ponds” Scheme: Local Government, Solar PV Firms, and Local Farmers
作者 楊弘任
「養水種電」是屏東平原地層下陷區晚近出現的太陽光電與農漁牧產業共生的現象,其中,充分展現出技術性與社會性相互交織的基礎設施的變動狀態。2009年夏天,正值莫拉克風災之後,由當時的屏東縣長組成跨局處的綠能工作小組,嘗試將災後重建、國土復育與綠能轉型三項目標合而為一。災後重建過程中,綠能工作小組成為各種異質元素(heterogeneous elements)之間最重要的轉譯者(translator),這樣的轉譯者角色進一步可稱為異質治理者(the actor of heterogeneous governance)。綠能工作小組以地方政府之角色,往上連結中央政府經濟建設委員會,形成跨部會國土治理之機制。同時,藉由共同會診問題、共同尋找解決方案的協作與學習模式,綠能工作小組也將地方政府的相關局處首長與承辦人員編排進與在地師傅、文史保育社團、光電廠商、協力廠商的交互學習與在地創新機制之中。本研究以行動者網絡理論(actor-network theory, ANT)為主要之分析架構,研究過程中追隨綠能工作小組、蓮霧農園與養殖魚塭的地主們、各類本業或跨業的光電廠商,以及陸續進場的各種技術物或技術系統,在人與非人對稱分析的取向下,考察異質治理者如何將異質元素連結於共同的行動趨勢或興趣取向之中,如何來回協商地方知識與專家知識、在地範疇與外來範疇,如何在遠端的異質元素進場時仍能讓近端的在地性保有適度位移之後的彈性邊界,以及,如何成為重要的權力平衡機制,讓光電科技的綠能資本在進入地方社會時仍能受到在地性之適度節制。
The scene of the solar PV industry coexisting with agricultural and aqua-cultural industries has recently appeared on the Pingtung Plain, particularly in the areas where land subsidence becomes serious. This phenomenon, resulting from the project of “building solar farms over fish ponds,” shows the dynamic aspect of an infrastructure characterized by the interweaving of the technical and the social. In the summer of 2009, after Typhoon Morakot, the county magistrate of Pingtung formed an interdepartmental working group on green energy, endeavoring to integrate three tasks, i.e. post-disaster reconstruction, area restoration, and green energy transformation. In the process of post-disaster reconstruction, the working group on green energy functioned as a significant translator among heterogeneous elements, a role that could be further called an “actor of heterogeneous governance.” As a representative of the local government, the green energy working group coordinated with the Council for Economic Planning and Development of the Executive Yuan to form an inter-departmental mechanism for area restoration. Meanwhile, with a working mode of cooperation and learning, which emphasized joint efforts to diagnose the problems and seek the solutions, the green energy working group established a new mechanism for mutual learning and local invention in which diverse roles were included, such as department directors and members of the local government, local experts, organizations for cultural preservation and ecological conservation, solar PV firms, and subcontractors. Through the application of Actor-Network Theory, this analysis follows the green energy working group, farmers of wax-apples and aqua-cultural fish ponds, various solar PV firms, and other technical artifacts and technological systems. Using a symmetrical approach to humans and nonhumans, this paper seeks to explore how the actor of heterogeneous governance connected heterogeneous elements and facilitated a common trajectory of action in their common interest, how the negotiations between local knowledge and expert knowledge, between local categories and global categories, were brought about, how the locality could maintain a flexible border after shifting when a distant heterogeneous element took part, and how the actor of heterogeneous governance could serve as a mechanism for power balance, allowing the green energy capital of the solar PV industry to be properly harnessed by the locality.
起訖頁 45-96
關鍵詞 太陽能電廠行動者網絡理論基礎設施異質治理轉譯Solar farmsActor-Network Theor yInfrastructureHeterogeneous GovernanceTranslation
刊名 臺灣人類學刊  
期數 201712 (15:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院民族學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 水岸風雲:高雄都市未來與市民生活想像競奪
該期刊-下一篇 基礎設施、水利社會與行動者的交織:陳有蘭溪流域Kalibuan社區共同灌溉系統建造與營運




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