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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The New Development of Scrutiny Procedure Regarding Admissible Lawsuits |
作者 |
許政賢 |
中文摘要 |
中國大陸法院案件受理制度,向來採行立案審查制,對於原告起訴行為,須經法院立案庭審查具備法定要件後,方予以立案並受理,訴訟程序始正式啟動,但輿論常有「立案難」、「難立案」的責難,民怨逐漸累積。有鑑於此,在中共十八屆四中全會中,明確宣示將改革法院案件受理制度,並將現行立案審查制,改為立案登記制,以保障當事人訴權。隨後公布的行政訴訟法,立即修正第五十一條規定加以因應,但有認為上述修正內容,尚未契合當前改革方向,如將該模式移植在民事訴訟上,將無法真正實現案件受理制度的實質改革,而有關上述重大改革的宣示,所引發如何落實改革意旨的論爭,實有深入分析的必要。 |
英文摘要 |
To bring a lawsuit in Mainland China is subject to a specific procedure of examination which has no comparable institution in European-Continental legal system. The so called scrutiny procedure regarding admissible lawsuits is the first checkpoint by which only admissible lawsuits are transformed as registered lawsuits. No civil procedure without registered lawsuit is a precise description which reveals the significant role of the scrutiny procedure. In view of the difficulty of transforming as registered lawsuits complained by the plaintiffs the Communist Party of China has recently declared to radical reform. A new model of scrutiny procedure committed to reduce the obstacles in old model is proposed and under discussion. Whether and how this new model could achieve the goal of reform are the main issues in this article. |
起訖頁 |
153-189 |
關鍵詞 |
案件受理制度、立案審查、立案登記、起訴條件、訴訟要件、Scrutiny Procedure Regarding Admissible Lawsuits、Registered Lawsuits by Examination、Registered Lawsuits by Registration、Lawsuit Requirement、Process Requirement |
刊名 |
中國法研究 |
期數 |
201606 (3期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
改革政策與立法引領間的博奕──中國大陸立法法修正之檢視 |