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Listening to Voice of the Internet Customer: A Comparative Study of Decision-making Behavior in an Online Trading Community
作者 邱文宏 (Wen-Hong Chiu)劉生財紀慧如 (Hui-Ru Chi)張震冬
本文採個案比較法,以消費者決策五階段模式,分析兩岸交易社群消費決策行為。大陸淘寶網與台灣奇摩拍賣為研究個案,透過蒐集兩個案信用評價資料共3,243 筆,以每一筆資料為分析單元,輔以參與式觀察與專家訪談,歸納獲得在五階段中共13 個網站服務品質要素,並以每一要素進行交易社群之消費決策行為比較分析,在各階段獲得以下研究發現:首先,兩岸消費者皆重視商家形象,商家皆以經營忠誠顧客為主;其次,大陸實體基礎架構與版面設計風格較有距離感;第三、大陸消費者重視商品品質,而台灣重視客製化服務;第四、兩岸溝通、社群語言、付款機制與隱私性等要素存在差異;第五、兩岸商品認同與消費保障等要素存在差異,而糾紛仲裁皆由公正第三者處理。
This study adopts a comparative case study to analyze consumption decisionmakingbehavior of trading community between China and Taiwan based onconsumer decision model. Taobao.com in China and Yahoo!Taiwan are theselected cases. Through the credit rating system of the cases, this study collected atotal of 3,243 appraisals. Each appraisal is used as a unit of analysis. In addition,the data sources include observations and in-depth interviews. There are 13 keyfactors of website service quality induced in this study. Then the comparativeanalysis is carried out according to these 13 factors. The findings are described asfollows. First, consumers consistently emphasize business image and store keepersconsistently emphasize loyal customers. Then infrastructure and design style ofwebsite in China are perceived as a sense of distance. Third, consumers in China emphasize product quality, while comsumers in Taiwan emphasize customizationservice. Fourth, there exists difference in “communication,” “communitylanguage,” “payment mechanism” and “privacy” of the consumers. Fifth, thereexists difference in “merchandise recognition” and “consumption warranty.”“Arbitration of transaction disputes” for both China and Taiwan is transferred tothird party.
起訖頁 443-502
關鍵詞 交易網站消費者決策模式個案比較trading websiteconsumer decision modelcomparative case study
刊名 中山管理評論  
期數 201503 (23:1期)
出版單位 國立中山大學管理學術研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 混合教室的劇場分析:發現傳統與數位學習環境間的綜效




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