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Exploration and Exploitation in Strategic Entrepreneurship: Lessons from China Steel
作者 林澄貴康信鴻
組織雙元性所探討的重要議題是,組織如何在兩個矛盾與衝突間取得平衡,而探索與利用則是組織雙元模式中,經常出現的兩個構面。本研究以中鋼集團創業成長歷程為個案研究對象,透過論述分析,探討中鋼集團策略創業之探索與利用能力對創業績效之影響。個案研究顯示:(1) 廠商在創業前期,多透過探索能力開拓事業版圖;創業後期,多建構利用能力,持續創造優勢;(2) 當廠商處於動態競爭環境時,需同步思考探索與利用兼具之雙元策略才能持續建立競爭優勢;(3) 探索、利用能力與創業績效具正向的影響效果。
Organizational ambidexterity is an important concept when an organizationbalances two contradictory and conflicting agendas. Two dimensions that appearoften in the organizational ambidexterity are exploration and exploitation. Thisstudy attempts to investigate this issue theoretically and practically by employingthe developmental history of CSC (China Steel Corporation of Taiwan) Group asthe study case. This involves discourse analysis the strategic entrepreneurship,developmental trajectory, and entrepreneurial performance of CSC Group in itsdifferent stages in concert with the theoretical foundation of organizationalambidexterity. Results indicate that firms in the entrepreneurial early, through theexploration capabilities to develop business territory; late start, constructsexploitation capabilities to create sustainable advantage. Moreover, firms in adynamic environment, the need to synchronize think about both the exploration andexploitation of ambidexterity strategy to continued establishment competitive advantage. Finally, a firm's ambidextrous strategy of exploration and exploitationis positively associated with a firm's entrepreneurial performance. Firms shouldmake the appropriate resources for the entrepreneurial to pursue sustainableperformance.
起訖頁 793-825
關鍵詞 策略創業創業績效探索與利用論述分析strategic entrepreneurshipentrepreneurial performanceexploration and exploitationdiscourse analysis
刊名 中山管理評論  
期數 201412 (22:4期)
出版單位 國立中山大學管理學術研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 經理人過度自信與股票購回關係之研究
該期刊-下一篇 成交計價模式下雙佔廠商之最適網路廣告平台選擇




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