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A Nursing Experience of an Adolescent Patient with Repeated Suicide Attempts Using Watson’s Theory of Caring
作者 姚孝菁陳東密練美華 (Mei-Hua Lien)周嫚君
This article reported a nursing experience of an adolescent patient with a history ofrepeated suicide attempts using Watson’s theory of caring. During the nursing period lastedfrom Jan. 28th to 29th, 2014, data were collected via observation and interviews for a holisticassessment based on the physiological, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of thepatient. The patient was found to suffer psychological trauma from family estrangement,and with the sole confidant (father) the economic provider of the family who was mostlyabsent due to work, the patient came to a conclusion that suicide can resolve his misery. Theresult of a comprehensive evaluation had identified the following health issues: high risk ofviolence, coping deficit, and hopelessness. To prevent further suicidal attempts, the author,operated based on Watson’s theory of care, established a positive rapport with the patient,and taught the patient on the release of negative emotions and the coping strategies foremotional stress. The founding of a suicide case management in an emergency room, capableof providing a comprehensive and continuous care, is highly recommended. It ensures thatpatients on the verge of suicide could receive proper care and treatment.
起訖頁 84-93
關鍵詞 青少年反覆性自殺關懷理論急診adolescentscare theoryemergency roomrepeated suicide
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201712 (16:6期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 降低手術室骨骼銀行保存庫捐贈物之感染率
該期刊-下一篇 照顧一位子宮頸癌末期病人之照護經驗




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