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Translation, Nation, and Gender: Cultural Adaptations in Short Stories Translated by the Late-Qing Writer Tang Hongfu
作者 崔文東
This article discusses cultural adaptations in the late-Qing writer Tang Hongfu's translations of three short stories, “The Warrior in the Cage of Port Arthur,” “The Russian Woman Soldier,” and “The King of a Deserted Island.” Inspired by highly politicized cultural trends, including Meiji Japanese war literature, the late-Qing fiction revolution, and the revolution in the role of women, Tang launched her translation project with the belief that fiction could promote nationalist ideas among Chinese readers. Motivated to contribute to China's cultural renovation, on the one hand, Tang accommodated indigenous discourse on nationalism, women's rights, and Confucian ethics in her portrayal of male and female heroes who were originally the embodiment of the virtues of “loyalty and valor” in the Meiji Japanese context. On the other hand, Tang, showing no interest in the diverse generic features of the Japanese originals, reconfigured the translated texts by assimilating them to the structure of late-Qing biographies of male adventurers and female heroes, in the hope of authenticating the protagonists' identities and winning them everlasting fame. In so doing, Tang's cultural adaptations manifest the tensions between late-Qing China and Meiji Japan, tradition and modernity, and gender and nation.
起訖頁 1-35
關鍵詞 翻譯國族性別晚清女作家文化譯寫明治日本translationnationgenderlate-Qing women writerscultural adaptationMeiji Japan
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 201703 (50期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-下一篇 宗密《圓覺經大疏》的釋經策略及其心性本體論的詮釋學轉向




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